Hi all,

I recently completed a research project, the aim was to develop learning modules without creating new learning content and delivering the modules without using a conventional Virtual Learning Environment/ Learning Management System.

The purpose was to test the proposition that learning content and resources are freely available online ane can be harvested and used to support specific learning activities.

Furthermore, the project was designed to test the suggestion that, as Web 2.0 services and social networking applications became more widely available, customised online learning environments could be created using these applications without the need for a VLE/LMS.

The pedagogic approach taken was based on discovery learning where the learner was in control of the learning process, guided and supported by the tutor. The learner would be provided with a customised gateway to online learning resources that would be harvested and presented for use using search engine applications.

The learning environment design was based on the use of social networking software that was freely available and allowed a mash-up to be created of the Web services and tools needed to support the learning process.

The solution included the use of Ning, Mindmeister and Google CSE.

The evaluation report is attached for review and hopefully of benefit to others.

Insights, Ideas, contributions and feedback welcome.

Thanks, James x W

Tags: 2.0, CSE, Community, Google, Mindmeister, Ning, Web, dicovery, learning

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