We are making amazing progress with integrating Web 2.0 tools to support administrative processes at a middle school in our district. Our conversations have taken us to how do we use the communication vehicle of choice...texting...for things like encouraging school attendance. We want to use a Web 2.0 tool that has already been used successfully. Anyone doing this currently?

Tags: 2.0, students, texting, tool, web

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edmodo.com now allows students to receive messages via SMS
This year and last year I have set up Jeopardy games. I split up the students that have cell phones with unlimited texting. They are my captains, you could say. As I play, students text their answers to my email address. You can do this by having them add your email as a contact. I give everyone with the correct answer points, but the first to answer correct gets to pick the next question.
Here is how we do it in a few of our schools...





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