Working on creating a WebQuest in which students will create some new type of school supply to be marketed towards elementary students or teachers. Students will create a model or design of their new supply and advertise by choosing from a variety of presentation applications.
To understand how our world is changing, these students must be able to look at our past and see what type of school supplies have been used over the last century or so and what affected the changes that took place.
I need your help! Please respond to this discussion and describe your school supplies as an elementary student and what decade it was when you were in elementary school.

Tags: WebQuest, decades, history, school, supplies

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I think this is a great project and if you need any assistance in creating WebQuests, I have created step by step video tutorials on how to do this. These can be found at . There are also instructional PowerPoints for this. These are free resources that I developed as a part of my Masters project in Educational Computing. I would really appreciate it if you could fill out the short feedback form available on the feedback page of the Web site. This will help me to improve it further. Thanks :)
I forgot to type in the URL of the Web site, which is:
Grade school and junior high in the 50s early 60s? Hmmm can't remember much--
1. Big Chief or Alladin Tablets
2. Crayon 16 pack(?) in early grades there were 8 colors, they were big and fat with one flat side
3. Big Husky wooden pencils with real lead
4. Pink Pet erasers
5. Cartridge pens, (fountain pen with nub; bought replacable cartridges)
6. PeeChee folders
7. 3 ring notebooks blue canvas cover w/ color-coded dividers; notebook paper with reinforcements (liitle white canvas circles)
8. purple memeographed handouts (they smelled)
9. metal lunch boxes and thermos' with glass liners (always got broken!)
10.In junior hi and high school all textbooks had to be covered with brown paper
11. no backpacks--you just stacked up you stuff and carried the stack either in front of you or if you were very clever on your hip!
12. Sliderules, if you took advance math
13. Chalkboards and chalk
14. Black and white essay books for tests
15. LePage Glue--glass bottle with ruber top, top has a slit in it and you press the top on the paper and the glue came out or white glue (did it have a brush or a paddle) that would harden into a lump and there was always a kid who would eat it.
16. We put all our pencils and stuff in a cigar box.
17. This was the same time as white soxes, brown tie up shoes, petticoats, twin sets, girls never wore pants, Ah those were the days!! I'll add more as I think of more during this trip down memory lane.



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