Hey all just wanted to share a success that my school/program just had in live-streaming 18 tournament basketball games from our gym and a neighboring schools. We used a Tricaster Studio system (video switcher computer) and Ustream (surprisingly not blocked by our district. We had over 3000 hits to our web-site over the 3 days, including over 500 unique computer viewers (avg about 35 a game). We got a ton of positive feedback including some from Iraq where deployed soilders were able to watch their sons play (we have an Air Force school in our disctrict).

Production wise my students did an amazing job including quality graphics and actually decent play-by-play  so I was especially proud of them as realistically I did not teach them much about all this just sort of threw them in the pool.

Anyways if any of your are considering this sort of things just wanted to say that it is possible and it is very worthwhile  and I would be willing to help you all out with some of the setup if you like.

http://aurorabasketball.weebly.com/index.html (games aren't streaming but we did record and post some on Ustream so you can check out the production)

Ben Johnson
Hutchison High School
Fairbanks, AK

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We have been wanting to do this at our middle school. I would love some more information about setup.



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