Welcome to our NEW Voicethread for Educators Group!  Please take a minute to say hi, what you teach, ideas for this group, maybe a VT or two, and of course, your Twitter/Plurk other Social Networking site handle that you may use.
Good luck and once again welcome.


Tags: Voicethread, educator, group

Views: 2846

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Hi - I'm Susan Ettenheim and teach at Eleanor Roosevelt High School in NYC. I am responsible for the technology and library in our building and teach art, digital photography and animation. I'm always interested and looking for other classes to work together sharing digital photographs.
Hola!! My name is Tamara Linares and I am a High School Spanish teacher. I have taught all levels of Spanish. My students really had a good time with VT last year. Helped my life and made grading easier as per their oral production. Can't wait to see what this year will bring. I am on http://twitter.com/tamlinares if you are a twitterer. If you are a Plurk-er I am at http://www.plurk.com/tamlinares . Thanks for the VT Ning and can't wait to collaborate.
My name is Judy Beam and I work in technology education for schools. I go into the classroom and help teachers with their projects. We use VT for all sorts of things and I'm looking forward to seeing the new ideas that will be presented here. My plurk ID is judyb64 and my twitter is kansas_gee.
For 7 1/2 years, I was the teacher librarian at a middle school in Southern California. Since Fall of 2009, when my position was eliminated due to budget cuts ( :( ), I have been teaching 7th grade language arts. I started using VoiceThread after I read about it on Joyce Valenza's blog and heard her speak about it at an AASL conference in 2007. I have used it both as a school librarian and language arts teacher, and I've given a couple of conference presentations on it. I'll be doing another one on updated VoiceThread features in November, so know I will be finding good ideas here. I have used VoiceThread for booktalks, online presentations, and for class discussions responding to a prompt. Here is a link to my Lindero Loves Books blog where I store VT booktalk created by me and my students. Many thanks Mark Carls for setting up this group.
Hi, I'm Maryanne Burgos and I teach an online course called Blogs, Wikis and Podcasts in L2 as a distance-learning course through the State University of New York at Buffalo. I participated in the VT Ning and am so glad that it will continue in this new environment. I make extensive use of my Delicious account and Twitter @ anciana but actually spend more time reading the edublog posts in my Google Reader. (I recently switched from Bloglines). This is my new Google Reader page for sharing bog posts that I like. I also blog on Eduwebtools from time to time.
I'm really happy to join this new group and read such a wealth of great ideas.
I love Voicethread! I used it several times with my second graders last school year. We did insect life cycle projects and a few book reviews. I can't wait to see other ways to use to wonderful tools this upcoming school year!
Hi All. I am Marty Swanhall (swanny203 on Twitter). Science teacher of all disciplines now for 27 years. Just finished my 17th at Newtown (CT) High School where I have taught Bio, Earth Science, Chem and Physics (2010-2011 year will be Physics & Chem). I try to introduce technology wherever possible and I am a firm believer/follower of being the Guide on the Side. Have gotten many ideas from my Twitter contacts. I also enjoy nature, photography and Science.
Hi, my name is Stacey, I teach gifted education, grades 3-5. I just learned and created my first Voice Thread and am excited to incorporate it eventually into my classroom.
Hi Everyone, my name is Will and I am a facilitator/technology integration coach at an elementary school in the middle east. I'm losing faith in my ability to create a PLN through Twitter :s , so I'm trying other avenues! I look forward to sharing with you!
William, I hope your able to build a solid PLN in here as well. Twitter takes quite a bit of time to build a good network. I use it all the time, but have spent a great deal of time following and 'tweeting' to other educators. I hope this network continues to grow. If you ever try Twitter again, I'm mcarls.
Good luck.
Hi Will,
I see you are in the middle east and I have a 2nd grade teachers who would like to do some collaboration with another classroom. Is that something one of your teachers might want to do? We are in Kansas.
Hey, my name is Lisa Mims and I teach 5th grade in New Castle,DE. I have been teaching for 26 years, but still have a passion for teaching! I just learned about VT and I am very excited about using it this year! My class web page is
Any ideas I can get on using VT would be appreciated.



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