What are you currently reading ? This can be either for pleasure or professional development.

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I'm going to look for "Peace like a River", thanks for the recommendation.

This might be interesting to some - Teacher's TV did a survey of teachers and came up with the Top 100 all time most popular books of teachers. I've put the list, like many others from Classroom 2.0 (thanks especially to the Gifted group and the Reading Teachers group) into a list in the Books4Teachers bookstore. A handy place to get quick recommendations from other teachers. Takes me time to put up the lists but they are invaluable. Especially for younger teachers. http://www.books4teachers.org/

Can you guess what the most popular book of teachers was, without looking?

I have a serious book addiction. Is there a 12 step program for me?
Here is my current rotation:
My Shelfari List

I am listening to "Choke" as an audio book- is that cheating?
i'm reading a biography on einstein. one of his teachers said he wouldn't amount to much... hmmmm....



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