Let me copy onto this page what my daughter posted on another network:
What does "Pearl Harbor" mean to you??
Please help me in this crazy school project.

We don't really learn about the attack on Pearl Harbor in our country.
Never the less, our English teacher has chosen this topic as a special project. She wants us to present it "in a unique way" to the class. I thought the most unique way I could do it is to present the global point of view.

So will you please help me??

I know that the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese in December 1941 has created a turn point in the World War 2, and is there for significant to world history, but somehow, from my point of view, it is perceived as a moment in the US history only.

Please add a short comment to this page explaining what does "Pearl Harbor" mean to you and what you think is important that the world knows in relation to this event.
Thanks and please invite more friends, and also from other countries.

The group on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=210995802395

You can also add your comment here.
You can also send me a message on Twitter to @ShaiKi

Tags: Harbor, Pearl, history, homework, project, school

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