I just joined this site in hopes to get some ideas and help.  You see I am an automotive teacher that uses all types of technology in the classroom and in the shop.  From computers, scopes, laptops, computer based scan tools,  and so on.  I have designed my own website using Joomla! and my own online classroom using Moodle.  Now that you know a little bit on me, let me ask you all for some help.

I was recently asked to hold a class over basic website navigation for teachers.  I will give you a minute to let that soak in.........I ask the lady to repeat herself and she asked me the same thing.  I guess I was being ignorant in assuming that all teachers in a technology field would know the basics.  She stated that she gets phone calls all the time about how to sign up for registration and download the latest forms that are all posted on the website.  So I agreed and I have about an hour to show teachers who are in a CTE  (Career and Technology Education) field how to use navigate the internet.  If anyone has any experience in this or any ideas on what topics I should cover, please let me know.  Some ideas I have already are:
Different types of bowers
The purpose of the URL
Links and how to use them
plugins and addons for browsers.
Downloading files
Using services like Google, skydrive, and others

That is all the ideas I have.  Please let me know if you have any other ideas or topics.  Thank you all.

Tags: help, internet, navigate, teach, teachers

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Good luck, I have had the same realization recently. Our school discontinued paper rosters this year, and I had to teach half the division how to make roll sheets in Excel. I had one professor tell me that he was retiring at the end of this year, and he was not going to learn excel, and just wanted me to do it for him.

I'm thinking about doing a Flex activity for people on web 2.0 and how they can use it for themselves and students.
Thank you for your input. Can you please tell me what a Flex activity is?
Maybe you know it as in-service, it's professional development lead by faculty members.



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