Where do art educators go for resources and to connect with each other?

Hello Teachers!

I am an art education student writing a report on where art teachers go for resources and to connect with each other.  Please answer these questions if you have a brief moment:

What are your favorite art education resources? 

Where do you go to get inspired and for new ideas or help with lesson planning? 

How you connect with other art educators online or otherwise?

Many thanks for your input!


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Hi Sara, my name is Alison and I am currently studying for a PGCE for Further Education. I teach one day a week at our college and four days a week at a secondary school with a sixth form. I find schemes of work can be quite prescribed and very often write my own, adhering to the national curriculum of course !

Si in answer to your questions:

1.My favourite art education resources are generally ones I made myself.

2. Much of my inspiration comes from travelling and many gallery visits.

3.I connect with other art educators by joining local monthly groups of like minded people, alot of them either taught me or studied with me. Generally they have visiting artists who bring new concepts to the table and we share our ideas. What about you ?



I am no authority whatsoever on Art (I'm a Maths teacher!) but interestingly when I ran a session at school recently to show students a whole variety of resources online one of the most popular pages was this with some online drawing tools.

They produced some really impressive looking creations using resources such as Odosketch.

Thats really interesting, I'm sure that there is a way I can embed some maths and ICT into my sessions using that resource ! I obviously use methods of measurement , scale and proportion in my drawing sessions and I expect to some extent drawing skills are used in yours, geometrical shapes come to mind, or do you prefer to use ICT as a tool in your sessions ?


See it is truly important to have contacts that what helps,recourses are also important it helps to expand ones networkand do better work.



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