I'd love some recommendations of conferences that had the theme of using web 2.0 tools in teaching.

I looked at NECC, but it seemed a bit large and had an enterprise feel. Please correct me if I'm wrong! K-12 Online Conference sounded great (and on top of that, was free)... But I'm not sure how much energy and enthusiasm there is at these conferences. If any others come to mind, please let me know.


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Hi Christina,
I'm not sure where you live, but I happen to really enjoy FETC in Orlando. It's a large conference for a state conference, but there are usually a large number of vendors and presenters. The breakout sessions are great as almost all of the presenters are teachers. I hope this helps!
I think most conferences are good if you pick good sessions to go to and if you have some to go with. I do not know of one conference because I am not sure where you live. Not sure your district would send you across the country. I enjoy ones that are low key and are geared towards teachers and not admin.
I should have mentioned that I live around Boston (and can probably go along the Eastern Seaboard), but am sometimes around in the San Diego area to visit family.
Thanks for the suggestions so far!
Hi Christina,

If you live near Boston, one of the best conferences I have ever attended is close-by, Alan November's Building Learning Communities. I attended in July of 2007 and can't recommend it strongly enough. That year I saw presentations by Marco Torres, Joyce Valenza, Marc Prensky, Ewan McIntosh, and many others. There was plenty of Web 2.0 coverage. My district paid for me to attend. It was excellent.
Agree. Alan's conference is fantastic.
I've attended several NECC's and I agree with your perception. I really recommend EduCon 2.1. You can read about it at EduCon 2.1 - A Conference Worth Attending. In the summer I have attended ConFraTute which is an amazing conference focusing on differentiating instruction and the Schoolwide Enrichment Model. For more information read The Confratute Virgin's Guide to Success. You can find a listing of all ed tech conference at http://www.theconferencecalendar.com/.
I'm already going to EduCon 2.1 next weekend. Hope to see you there!
Thanks for the links.
I was planning on it but the NYC DOE put a freeze on all conferences :(((
If you're going to that conference then you're certainly headed down the right path and the people there will provide fantastic insight. I'm jealous.
I just presented a major web 2.0 presentation at the Virginia Educational Technology Leadership Conference - I put the presentation online http://etlc.passport2web20.com/ - http://blogit.cityschools.com/mgeorge/ you can view the sites here http://www.jogtheweb.com/jog/#/VxDdFmz92FEx/0

I know this isn't what you were looking for ... but its a great list of sites. This presentation got a great response ... too bad I didn't submit this one to NECC.

Michael George
Instructional Technologist
Fredericksburg City Public Schools
2300 Washington Avenue, Fredericksburg, VA 22401
(540) 372-1100 x2411



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