I want to do something with drupal 6. Here the project
Each teacher manages a class composed of several groups. Teachers only have access to their own groups. By connecting each teacher is directed to a page (or dashboard homebox) containing: its student groups with each group their latest posts, a link to their blogs (blog group), a place to send (create) a post (blog entry) to all groups or a specific group. Each group of students connect with the user name and password of the administrator of the group (one group member has the right to connect) and are directed to a page that contains: All posts sent by the group, members of the group, a place to send (create) a post (blog entry) only to the teacher, and a page explaining the course.
How much do I create roles (teachers and students only?)
which modules should I use? og, og_menu, og-audience ... or I have seen recement school administration Drupal 7 is ok?

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Are you sure you want Drupal? It's a great product, if you have a good administrator. But other free tools, like Edmodo, can offer you a similar experience with a lot less pressure on the administrator (and a lot less time).


If you're sold on Drupal, I definitely recommend Drupal 7 -- it's leaps and bounds above Drupal 6, especially in terms of administering. Plus, Drupal 6 won't be supported much longer, as Drupal 8 is coming pretty soon.


As far as modules, you'll definitely want the Blogs and Views modules (ship with Drupal 7), as well as Rules (so you can redirect teachers/students to proper page). You'll probably also want Simple Access, which will allow you to let certain roles view only certain pages (you can also use this to allow certain roles to edit a page, for wiki-like collaborative editing).


That's probably all you'll NEED. But I built a Drupal site for students and teachers, and I recommend:

- wysiwyg module, for easier editing

- userpoints module, to use as an incentive

- media modules (file entity, media, media browser plus, media gallery, media: youtube), which allow users to embed videos and podcasts and also create photo galleries

- microblog module, which works like a Facebook status update (but to make this look like a status update, it requires some added CSS and playing with Views)


In terms of roles, you'll want a student role, a teacher role, and then a role for each class (i.e., PS101, BIO310, etc.) so you can control which users are allowed to view which class pages.


If you need more specific help, I'd recommend posting on the Drupal forum, as there are a lot of great members of that community who will be willing and able to help you.


Good luck!


Katy Scott

Stretch Your Digital Dollar

Thank you katy  for all these precisions. 

I am sorry for the delay answer

but I found a tool which responds to my needs just about everything is open atrium (build on drupal) you there you know something



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