I am Pam. I teacher 6th grade Social Studies in West Hartford, CT, USA. I have become addicted to finding amazing technology available on the Internet to use in the classroom. I am interested in collaborating with another class (age 11-12), anywhere in the world. I have thought a little about collaboration ideas, but I am up for anything. Here is an idea of what I cover throughout the year:

Geography Skills -- map reading, five themes, geographical features
Canada -- geography, history, government, european arrival
Latin America -- same as Canada
Change the World Research Project -- students select a world issue research, develop a plan of action and implement it.

Look forward to hearing from you all!!

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I will be working with the top 15% of sixth grade students from October 12-26. We need someone to collaborate with on a global warming/climate change project. We want to use the project format of this topic from epals.com

Not sure if this works for you or not, but if so let me know and we can get things squared away.
Hello Aaron,

I quickly reviewed the format for the global warming project. I will definitely read it in more detail. I like the idea, but I don't want to restrict the students to one specific topic. I like to have them select any global issue that concerns them. Is it possible to modify that? If we have a few a few groups with similar topics. I don't like assigning the topic because usually if it is a topic that interests them they will be more excitedto research inside and out of school. I established an idea for a plan I was thinkig about for my change the world project. Take a look at it. Maybe we could combine ideas from epals and this. I am really flexible.
I am flexible as well. Let me brainstorm a little tonight(my brain is dead right now) and I will get back to you on some possible ideas.



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