I have an idea for helping our school community to continue to gain momentum on our 1:1 plan for next year.  There a lot of questions about why we are moving to 1:1 and other questions about how we will do certain things. As amazing as we are in Burlington, MA, I am guessing that we probably do not have any unique questions or issues.


Having said this, I would like to talk to staff and (possibly students) in schools that have gone 1:1 and have these folks answer these questions from their first-hand experience so that I can post them to my YouTube channel and/or blog.  


Any thoughts? Or better - Volunteers?

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I am happy to answer any questions based on my experience ....re:1:1  What questions do you have? 

I love the idea and sharing with in a public forum is a powerful means to gain support. I would be happy to share my work or try to get you in touch with some former students in PA! 



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