Hi All...
I'm interested in what those of you that have implemented to address 500 + student wireless devices and classrooms where 35+ devices are pulling data from your wireless network? We currently have three sites, relatively new schools that we deployed a CISCO controllers and Access Points. In those schools we have APs connected to 1Gig, Power over ethernet (POE) ports. The design is, essentially, one wireless access point per classroom. Even with this set up we have seem some latency when 35 students are connecting to the wireless in a classroom. (We don't have a true 1:1 in these schools but COWS, computers on wheels-35 set carts). For example, GoogleDocs will show some slow response, ie. type a work in a doc and it shows up on the screen after a half second delay. This is not always the case in these classes, but we have had teachers express some slow access issues. In the rest of our schools we have implemented prosumer NetGear WAG102 access points and use them throughout the school in key locations. We also have one in each of our 5th Grade classrooms participating in our initial 1:1 netbook deployments. This surprisingly works quite well in these instances but it is unmanaged and occasionally suffers from location/building/infrastructure issues that are hard to track.
What wireless strategies are you using in your schools where you have deployed school wide 1:1 programs?
For those of you that have not deployed 1:1 school wide, what are your design plans for implementing wireless?
Looking forward to the discussions!