HI there, folks.

I just wrapped up Steve's great BB Collaborate training session and thought these tips might be helpful.  As he notes in the training. sharing a YouTube video via a web tour (a feature in BB Collaborate) is a great way to have your participants view a video without placing the collective bandwidth burden on everyone's system that happens with application sharing.

Sometimes though, you have a YouTube video you want to share with your participants but you don't want them to start it at the very beginning.  If you use the generic YouTube URL and enter it into the Web Tour feature of BB Collaborate, it will play at the very start. That may be fine -- but, again, you may end up having your viewers watch content that could derail the flow of your presentation.  

Here's an easy solution!  I created this video not too long ago which demonstrates how you can very easily generate a custom YouTube link that, when clicked on by any user, will start your video exactly where you want it to start playing.  http://youtu.be/7FxTUkykV-w

Secondly, if there are practices you want to share that are web based but you don't want to do app sharing, you could create your own screencast videos (recording of your screen) demonstrating these processes, techniques, etc. using Screencast-o-matic.  It's free and allows you upload your freshly recorded video directly to YouTube.    

All in all, I want to encourage everyone to KEEP the dynamic, rich, powerful, media content in your Learning 2.0 presentations. That is essential to the success of this conference. :) 

Can't wait to learn with you all.

Michelle Pacansky-Brock

Views: 311

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Great points, Michelle!  Thanks!

Hi Michelle,

As you saw in Steve's BB Presenter training, I had wanted to share practices that are web based, so I will definitely check out Screencast-o-matic.  Thank you so much for this.  I can't wait to try recording video directly--love new toys!

Link to Steve's BB Collaborate training session?  I'm presenting for first time and am awaiting training materials... I think!  I have a video that's inside of a Keynote presentation... not even sure where the original file is.   Help?


Todd: be sure to check out the links on the from

sorry, steve.... which form is that?  just looking for training resources.


Check out the discussion in the Presenter group titled "Final Presenter Information." There's an embedded link there to the training schedule.  Here is the direct link to the discussion.



thank you, michelle!

Hi Todd,

The training is essential as I waited last time and didn't make the "live" training.  I would recommend you do that if you can this week-end.  My moderator was awesome and helped me over the rough spots as I was not that familiar with BB Collaborate.  This time I attended the live session and am now signed up for our free 30 day trial so I can practice.  Good luck and know that your moderator is also a great resource for you when you are in the session if you have any problems.

Thanks, Vicki.  I didn't realize it was a big learning curve.  I've never used Collaborate-- maybe I should sit this one out in terms of presenting and just attend others to get a feel for it on the other end...?  I don't have tons of time between now and Wed (when I present).  I assumed I could figure it out in a couple hours.... no?

Did you figure it out?  If you can use Power Point slides, then it is very easy to upload.  I am trying to do App share, so that is more of a learning curve.  Try uploading your media I think and see if it works...Just like in class, you want to engage the audience, so if your media files work in BB Collaborate, then you could just relax and have fun with presenting.  I am like you.  I teach full time, but I used just my Power Points last time and it went fine.  This time, I am trying the App Share or the maybe the Web Tour.  So I am sure you will do fine.  The time goes by very quickly as well.  Good luck.

Thanks for your support, Vicki!  Steve also encouraged me to go for it so I'm presently getting my slides into upload-able format and am going to give it a shot, though I'm not sure where to start doing that just yet.  Is the App Share what you use if you want to show in real time how something works?  I have all these screen shots of an app but it'd be better for me to show "live."  Should I just use the screen shots for simplicities sake?

thanks again!!



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