We can have several discussions going at once; this is not aiming to be a sequential book study. The theme is big and loosely-defined here: minds for the future. Basically this might be a location for talking about anything that's about learning or thinking (thinking about thinking, networking, networking about thinking
networking about learning
thinking about networking
networking about thinking about networking
thinking about networking about thinking
on and on; these all fit or can be fitted or can redefine the shape of the study
You get the idea--)
It's something like "take the ball and run", or more like throwing a pebble in the pond to read the ripples
watch ripples cross ripples as themes coincide and affect eachother
I'm starting to realize how important tags are, after reading It's All Miscellaneous
so let's play around with tagging as well

Tags: 2.0, Classroom, Gardner, Web, bookclub, learning, networks

Views: 31


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