On pages 52 and 53, Gardner provides a scenario for an exercise of synthesis which might be applied to the off-topic discussion we began within Ken's opening discussion of "The Disciplined Mind." Gardner's scenario, aimed at grounding his ideas about the synthesizing mind, is begun this way: "...consider the situation of the newly recruited turnaround executive who announces a concrete goal: a review of what has gone wrong in recent years and a concrete plan for correcting course." If you substitute "turnaround educator" for "turnaround (business) executive" and "failing traditional school" for "failing business company" as the scenario's context, the three paragraphs on pages 52 and 53 might be applied to "the mind-that-would-synthesize" classroom/school/district reform.
Do you see the off-topic discussion spun off within Ken's opening discussion of "The Disciplined Mind" as more appropriately belonging here, where the synthesizing mind is the context for discussing Gardner's original / Zilla's amended scenario?
Tags: Gardner, mind, scenario, synthesizing, turnaround