Hi All
I'm an ICT teacher in Norwich, UK and a good friend of Mike Summers, who I have spotted has joined this group.
My school creates projects to link our students with schools elsewhere in the UK, USA, France and China.
We use an edublog to raise an issue in a post and then invite students to share their opinions by adding moderated comments. To have a look go to www.notreblog.edublogs.org .
In Sept-Nov we do an online survey that enables students to compare their lives. Last year 1298 students in the UK and USA participated. To have a look go to http://www.ndhs-sites.org.uk/communicty/survey/index.htm

We're currently working on a film review project in which students give info on their favourite films. We'll then analyse the data and make podcasts about the top 10 films. To view this go to http://www.ndhs-sites.org.uk/ICT/8.6/index.htm

If anyone in the group would like to participate in any of our projects, you would be very welcome.
For more info email me via ning.

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