Any suggestions for when you know a child is being bullied but you can't prove it? My administration won't help until I can prove it. I have a child who is new to our buildingwho is picking on our little autistic boy. The kids are very protective of our autistic boy. I am afraid this could escalate into something really violent.
Bullying can be a very difficult issue to deal with in middle school, as you know. What we, as adults, perceive as bullying, many of the students see as everyday interaction ("I was just teasing"). I find that asking supervisors of recess and other unstructured time to keep an eye out can be helpful. Other students with a well-developed sense of right and wrong can also be enlisted to help keep an eye out and "testify" to administrators.
It's so hard when admin is not supportive. Sometimes I play dumb and say, Gee, I wonder how we'd handle it when Johnny gets beaten up by Mary and Fred because Johnny was bothering our little autistic boy. Hmmm. Would that be Johnny's fault, or Mary and Fred's? Gee, how should we handle it? At least you've raised the issue with admin.