Search either Classroom 2.0 (there is a Google Classroom 2.0) on the right hand side of the page) or the Center for Media Literacy for a resource or lesson plan you might consider using in your future classroom. 

1.      1.  Describes the activity or resource.

2.      2. Link me to the activity or resource.

3.     3.  Find and post a West Virginia CSO for that you might meet by using the activity or resource in your future classroom.

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BrainPop is a resource site that has cartoon videos that teach topics such as math, science, social studies, English, arts and music, health, and technology. They also have quizzes and activities that go along with the videos. This link also can connect you to BrainPop Jr. and BrainPop ESL. The home page stays up to date with the holidays such as President's day and Black History Month.
I have seen a middle school math teacher use this site in her classroom. The students seemed to enjoy the movies and for some, it helped them understand the concept that she was currently teaching.

SC.O.3.2.7 relate changes in states of matter to changes in temperature.
SC.O.4.2.13 differentiate changes in states of matter due to heat loss or gain.

Social Studies
SS.O.2.4.3 recognize major geographic features on a variety of maps and globes (e.g., rivers, lakes, oceans, islands, Continents, mountains).
SS.O.3.4.3 recognize world geographic features (e.g., peninsulas, islands, Continents, straits, mountains, rivers, deserts, oceans, seas, harbors, gulfs, forests, oases).
SS.O.6.4.3 locate and identify the Continents, major climates, major bodies of water, natural resources and landforms and analyze the relationship of people with their environment regarding population demographics, settlement and trade.

RLA.O.2.2.8 use grammar in written composition (e.g., correct subject/verb agreement, simple Adjectives, adverbs).
RLA.O.4.2.3 identify and produce a sentence with proper word choice to include:
* verb tense
* verb usage
* subject/verb agreement
* pronoun usage
* Adjectives and adverbs

M.O.3.1.7 use concrete models and pictorial representations to demonstrate an understanding of equivalent fractions, proper and improper fractions, and mixed numbers.
M.O.4.1.4 using concrete models, benchmark fractions, number line
* compare and order fractions with like and unlike denominators
* add and subtract fractions with like and unlike denominators
* model equivalent fractions
* model addition and subtraction of mixed numbers with and without regrouping.

VA.O.K.1.1 identify differences between tools, techniques, and processes in two-dimensional media, such as drawing, painting, or printmaking, e.g., crayons, paints and prints.
VA.O.3.1.1 compare how different techniques and processes in various drawing and/or painting media causes artwork to have different appearances.

SC.O.PA.2.2 describe the organizational levels, interdependency and the interaction of
* cells
* tissues
* organs
* organ systems.
SC.O.PA.2.3categorize, by structure and function, the various types of human tissue:
* muscle
* epithelial
* connective
* nervous.

SC.O.6.2.21 examine simple machines and the forces involved.
Did you find this in Classroom 2.0 or Center for Media Literacy?
I used Classroom 2.0. I searched middle school math resources and it was one at the top. Because I saw it in my 30 hour clinical I knew it would be a good resource for everyone to have.
Great! Thanks Sophie!
I found a resource that I really like, it uses media and technology to teach history. The activities listed in this resource not only entertain the students but they will be learning too. I envision my classroom as being a comfortable, fun learning environment. The particular resource that I chose is located on the Mr. Roughton's Classroom 2.0 page is the Teacher link. The link takes you to history unit plans, media used with each lesson, etc..

I did research and found a WV CSO that would work for the Why History Unit Plan.

SS.O.7.5.2 draw world history conclusions from maps, globes, charts, posters, graphs and timelines
SS.O.7.5.3 characterize conditions that have influenced or altered the movement of people throughout the world and time.

21C.O.5-8.3.TT.4 Student complies with county acceptable use policy. Student discusses legal and ethical behaviors related to acceptable use of information and communication technology (e.g., privacy, security, copyright, file-sharing, plagiarism) and predicts the possible effects of unethical use of technology (e.g., consumer fraud, intrusion, spamming, virus setting, hacking) on the individual and society, as well as identify methods for addressing these risks.

There are many WV CSO's that fit with entire set of Unit Plans that are available using this resource.
Yes! These are good CSO and all you need!
I used the Google classroom 2.0 and typed art lessons it brought me to Kathrine Boleman’s page who is an art teacher currently teaching overseas in Pakistan. While navigating through her page I saw she was a member of a group called elementary school 2.0 so I decided to take a look. I saw a comment by Alline Sada about a directory of educational resources on the web at and what an amazing resource tool it is! It is absolutely perfect for navigating any kind of resource, curriculum, tech. tools, and even games and entertainment for kids. It also shows a snapshot of the webpage so you can view it before you click on it. I went to the art resource link and it brought up at least a hundred links to various art resources on the web as well as museums and interactive websites. I admit I had fun playing on the interactive sites; my favorite was one called it was pretty cool it’s kind of like paint but it has abstract parts of the human face to put together so you can create your own Picasso face. I figured this would be a fun activity to do to teach students about abstract expressionism and Pablo Picasso and we could discuss concepts such as shape, color, line, proportion, and composition then they could create a Picasso portrait of themselves on the computer as a template to work from then paint one with acrylics or tempera paint on actual canvas. This would probably be a good lesson for a second or third grade art class.

WV CSO’s for Visual Arts:

VA.O.2.2.2 use variations in line(s) and create art using line as a means of expression.
VA.O.2.2.8 create two-dimensional artworks using organic or geometric shapes.
VA.O.2.3.3 create a self-portrait.
VA.O.2.5.3 examine and discuss artworks that reflect different feelings.
VA.O.2.5.5 categorize images as realistic or abstract.
VA.O.2.4.3 create art that reflects a style of a group from history.
I've heard about picassohead! You should use it to make your profile photo! I think I'm going to try it!
The Camera Always Lies

As a Business Education Teacher focusing on Technology Education, I will be teaching classes such as Multimedia and Digital Imaging. The supplemental material I found is not a lesson plan but an article; however I believe this article will be very beneficial in a Multimedia Class Curriculum. This article covers topics such as: Camera Objectivity, Journalism, Ethics, Camera History, Culture, and Truth. These are all important concerns in our technologically advanced society today.

To give you a brief overview of the article, The Camera Always Lies: Breaking the Myth of Journalistic Objectivity – by Jeff Share; it discusses the ethics and truth behind the images presented in our magazines and newspapers; and how many of these images are manipulated. It discusses specific examples and explains how America relies on these images to show the real situation (or truth), when magazine and newspaper publishers are in fact manipulating some images so they may sell more of their product. It questions the ethics behind these manipulations and if a photograph can really tell the truth, or whether it is a lie. It bases its findings on the issues of the photographer and how he can choose what, when, where, and how to take a picture; which might manipulate the situation to appear to be something other than what it is. Then there is graphic manipulation done with computers, which is almost undetectable. It explains the history of these developments with specific dates and names. This is a very informative article. To view this article click here !

Now to incorporate this article into the classroom, I would apply this as a supplemental material to a unit concentrating on Business Ethics in today’s multimedia society. First, there would have to be a discussion and lesson on ethics, explaining what ethics is, how people abuse it, and the consequences and ramifications for unethical actions. Next, the article would be presented and discussed in the class, I would attempt to highlight and focus the discussion to the important issues within the article. The assignment for this project would be for the student’s to create a Vin-Diagram: one in which ethics is the center with the branches of ethical actions and unethical actions, from these two categories they would take examples and ideas presented from the article to branch out these actions. The students are to choose an action that is directly related to the topic of photographs and manipulation of images in magazines and newspapers. These diagrams will be printed and hung around the class for all students to view. After a period of time for students to review their classmates’ work I will then lead the class into a discussion. Since this is a multimedia class I would like to use as much technology in the classroom as possible, I would like to use the technology we used in our Inclusive class on the first day. I would like the students to all text their top three ethical actions and then their top three unethical actions into the program and create a diagram of words to display the most common actions. There will be two diagrams: one for ethical actions and one for unethical actions. From this we will begin our class discussion, discussing why certain actions might be ethical or unethical and if anyone disagrees.

This is a great way to get the students really thinking about ethics, creating multimedia work, using technology, literacy, critical thinking, and discussing ethical matters.

The Content Standards that this lesson would cover are as follows:

Standard 1: Digital Imaging I
BE.O. DIM1.1.1 - use vocabulary related to digital photography, graphics, animation and video software.

Standard 2: Ethical and Legal Issues
BE.S.DIM1.2 - The student will demonstrate ethical and legal issues.

Standard 6: Computer Generated Drawings
BE.S.DIM1.6 - Students will create computer-generated drawings.

Standard 11: Literacy and Numeracy
BE.S.DIM1.11 - Students will demonstrate the literacy and numeracy skills required to solve complex, real-world problems associated with their career/technical content area and improve their thinking and reasoning skills.
BE.O.DIM1.11.1 - utilize a variety of technical sources (e.g., Internet, manuals, journals, directions, reports, etc.) to complete career/technical assignments and projects.
BE.O.DIM1.11.2 - demonstrate writing skills required to complete career/technical assignments and projects.
BE.O.DIM1.11.4 - analyze tables, charts, graphs and multiple data sources to complete career/technical assignments and projects.

Standard 12: 21st Century Learning Skills
BE.S.DIM1.12 - The student will
• Access and manipulate information for use in oral, written, or multimedia format using appropriate technology skills.
• Apply sound reasoning processes to solve complex real-world problems and develop new ideas.
• Exhibit leadership and ethical behavior in planning and executing tasks, as an individual or a group member.
Excellent Sarah! You should develop this for the PBL we will be creating later in this class!
Classroom 2.0

I really liked this lesson plan in Classroom 2.0. It allows students to see the differences in language and understanding in marketing products to specific groups of people. In this activity, groups of students will write their own ads to a specific group of people, such as janitors, teachers, or parents. The objective of the lesson plan is that students will be able to…
1. Build awareness of the way in which advertisers shape ads for specifi c audiences.
2. Analyze the target audience intended for an advertisement.
3. Create their own targeted ads to demonstrate their understanding of the idea that different people experience media messages differently and that similar groups o of people tend to respond similarly to the same message.
In a today's society, this knowledge is important to be aware of with the mass media's sensory overload. This lesson is easily done in math, because students will have to deal with percentages and discounts of their product. Moreover, the lesson can be used with equations and variables. I think the lesson will benefit students inside and outside of the classroom.

evaluate data provided, given a real-world situation, select an appropriate literal equation and solve for a needed variable.
create polynomials to represent and solve problems from real-world situations while focusing on symbolic and graphical patterns.
analyze and solve grade-appropriate real-world problems with

whole numbers,
percents, percent increase and decrease,
integers, and
including, but not limited to, rates, tips, discounts, sales tax and interest and verify solutions using estimation techniques.
Great to integrate students interest in media and shopping. You should use this idea for the PBL we will be developing in class!



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