I looked at a
lesson plan on lessonoply that dealt with the winter olympics. I liked connecting something that is going on with the everyday classroom. The olympics are world wide and students should be learning about it. In the lesson plan I chose, students in 6th were analyzing math in everyday life and why it is important, more specifically the mean median and mode. It deals it set up so students start out by connecting math to their day, like brushing their teeth (time). THen they watch the video, discuss different types of scoring in the olympics, and relate that to the math concept. I like that students have a say in the lesson because they get a chance to determine point value, and my favorite part was the independant practice. During the practice students work in groups, create their own sport, and get to determine how they would score. They connect with science and the arts when suggesting that students create posters and look for similarities to science. West Virginia CSO : M.O.6.5.2-identify a real life situation using statistical measures mean, median, mode, range, outliers) overtime, make a hypothesis as to the outcome; design and implement a method to collect, organize and analyze data; analyze the results to make a conclusion; evaluate the validity of the hypothesis based upon collected data, design a mode of presentation using words, graphs, models, and/or tables (with and without technology).