I have been involved with some very bright students in some practical applications of brain and learning.
There are many generalizations about right left differences in the brain, but in actuality there may be only one absolute difference between the two hemispheres. Only the LH can create the sound of a word. By that I mean you may be aware of something and can tell me what it looks like, how it makes you feel, etc. But we cannot say the word. The old tip of the tongue. What that means is that all systems are go, except the one that controls oral response.
Not the child that would win a spelling bee.
Let me start from the begining. I became interested in neuropsychology as a result of my lack of visual imagery and its importance to others. I developed a test to measure the relative use of LH and RH strategies which has shown to predict tasks a person can do well and poorly.. I prefer to use a measure of lateral eye movements when I am looking for brain differences rather than strategy differences.
When the tests were administered to reading disabled students, 85% favored right hemisphere strategies and this percentage has maintained over multiple studies.
In a series of studies it was shown that the strong majority of reading disabled could tell if two words meant the same as well as the non-disabled readers, but they were deficient compared to the good readers in telling whether two words rhymed. The 15% of poor readers who could do the rhyme task, were deficient to the good readers on the semantic task.
Rather than ranting on, I would rather hear any comments you have.