Classroom 2.0 Beginner Group!


Classroom 2.0 Beginner Group!

The group for beginners in Classroom 2.0 to feel comfortable asking questions and getting help. If you don't know something, we want you to ask so we can help you!

Members: 1183
Latest Activity: Mar 18, 2020

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Introduce Yourself or Ask Your Questions Here!

Started by Steve Hargadon. Last reply by Brian Rock Oct 16, 2017. 80 Replies

Free lesson!!!!

Started by Mr. Peterson Feb 20, 2015. 0 Replies

Got Free Lessons?: Hungry Teacher

Started by Mr. Peterson Jan 26, 2015. 0 Replies

RSS Feed of Beginner Show Host Sue Waters' Blog Post

By: Go Wild With Wikis: Part III | Edublogs Live

[...] Introducing The Classroom 2.0 LIVE! Beginner Series! - Sue Waters (read comments for helpful tips on using wikis especially issues with students overwriting each others work and need to use discussion tab) [...]

By: Go Wild With Wikis: Part II | Edublogs Live

[...] Introducing The Classroom 2.0 LIVE! Beginner Series! - Sue Waters (read comments for helpful tips on using wikis especially issues with students overwriting each others work and need to use discussion tab) [...]

By: Sue Waters

In reply to <a href="">SusanSi</a>. Hi Susan, I am really glad you brought this to all our attention. That is not a good situation for you and could happen on any of these types of platforms where they can easily email between each other. One aspect is definitely there is a need for this constant discussion with them on what is appropriate online behaviour and the consequences if they are inappropriate. However you still need to prevent this from happening. To stop it from happening I would do is set up all student accounts using the <a href="" rel="nofollow">gmail+ method</a>. This means all emails that are sent would come into the one gmail account so you can monitor them more closely. But that is my thought. Would love to hear how others would manage this type of situation. Hope to see you online for the session in 12 hours!

By: SusanSi

Sue, I just listened to the recording of the 13th meeting. I am excited to be there live tomorrow night. I started a class wiki this year-loved it-kids loved it. But when they found the email I lost control. Using the free version of wikispaces, I did not know what to do. A parent informed me of inappropriate mail her son received. I could not monitor all their emails, which were not school related, but were sent through the wiki. I teach 4th graders. Help?

By: Sue Waters

In reply to <a href="">Leslie</a>. Hi Leslie, Glad to hear your feedback on the beginners series plus excellent to hear how your wiki is helping them learn more about other cultures. Can see what you mean about the issues of the questions and replies. As I said previously I am biased (since I do work for a blogging company) however I think that in the case of the questions and replies you would be better using a class blog. Where you write posts about the question, or write posts on what you think is the answer and then invite the students from the other country to reply in comments with their thoughts. While you could use the discussion tab I don't think you would achieve any where near as good an outcome as using a blog.

By: Leslie

Hello! am really enjoying your work with the Beginner Series. Thanks! I think I am finally using my wiki for collaboration purposes but it has turned into a little mess. The connections and the collaboration are great! My kids LOVE it and are really engaged. This engagement has really translated into appreciation for other cultures, languages, and countries. My question is how to organize the wiki for questions and replies. We are communicating with a school in Turkey and the different time zones made the Skype conversations a bit of a challenge. Check out my site , if you have time, and you'll see what I mean. It’s not pretty. Maybe I should be using the Discussion tag, I’m not sure. Again, I absolutely love it; I just want to better organize our conversations and maybe add more schools. Thanks, Leslie

By: dobrien

In reply to <a href="">Sue Waters</a>. So well-put! I appreciate your time! ;)

By: Sue Waters

In reply to <a href="">dobrien</a>. The whole aspect of whether you respond back to comments or not is an interesting debate. Ultimately it really depends on why you blog. Most probloggers won't comment back at comments. Especially the top probloggers... because it is time consuming and if they spent time responding to comments they would have no time to write posts (that is how they look at it). As edubloggers what we are trying to achieve is different and off course there will be different variations to it. For me, engaging in the conversations in comments means I learn more because I have to reflect on what the person has written and then consider my response. Sort of like the deeper learning you get from writing a blog post. But as you say it also makes it a two-way open conversation, shows you value their input and builds communities that work together. Definitely time consuming (especially when you have the number of blogs I have) but worth the time.

By: dobrien

In reply to <a href="">dobrien</a>. It also turns the blog from a one-way reporting platform, to a two-way open conversation.

By: dobrien

In reply to <a href="">Sue Waters</a>. Yes. That's one thing I learned from you early on, Sue. Always try to respond to comments. I think it adds a personal touch, allows to further discuss the topic, and shows that you value people.

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Comment by Alecia Bryner on March 18, 2020 at 9:38am

Hi Everyone,

I am new to Classroom 2.0 and I would like to use this platform as a resource to learn about educator needs in the classroom, as I work for a nonprofit that partners with teachers and provides programming and lessons. 

The Morven Park Center for Civic Impact (MPCCI) is in the process of developing online education materials. I know many of you are required to use online learning tools over the next month and maybe longer. We would like to gain some feedback from teachers about the tools that are most useful in the classroom, and what type of partner programming you find most valuable.

With the information gathered from the following survey, MPCCI aims to improve its partnerships with schools and teachers by becoming more relevant.

The survey should take 10 minutes to complete. The answers you provide will allow MPCCI to better understand the needs of educators and schools. 

Thank you in advance for your participation!

MPCCI delivers free and engaging civics education lessons to K-12 students to empower them to know their voices matter, examine current issues relevant to their lives, take responsibility, and make an impact. If you would like to learn more about MPCCI, please visit

If you have any questions, please contact

Kind Regards,

Alecia Bryner

Education Programs Coordinator

Morven Park | Westmoreland Davis Memorial Foundation

17195 Southern Planter Lane

Leesburg, VA 20176

703-777-2414 x6631

Comment by Créateur bijoux en pierre gemme on March 31, 2016 at 9:09am

Thnaks for add

Comment by Taylor Walker on April 8, 2015 at 5:01pm

Hi my name is Taylor Walker and I am new to Classroom 2.0.  I just wanted to connect with you on here to share some exciting news that is coming out of the Loyola Marymount Community in the form of a project that I developed for high school and college students to learn while interacting and competing against one another.  USA Today and KABC channel 7 news, along with others, have covered our story.  

We only have 7 days left on our Kickstarter campaign, and it would help lot if you could support our project and share with anyone else you know in the educational sphere.  Thank you.  

Comment by Mr. Peterson on October 18, 2014 at 7:17am

Wait until your students read this article, "Parking Meter Mechanic Sentenced For Stealing $210,000 in Quarters",

"The more money, The more Problems", by Hungry Teacher.

Mathematical Domains: Measurement and Data, Numbers and Operations, Ratios and Proportional Relationships, Statistics and Probability
Topics: Measurement, Graphing
Grade Level(s): Sixth, Seventh, Eighth
Duration: Approximately 1 to 2 hours

We are teacher owned and operated. Please support us and join.

Comment by Mr. Peterson on October 9, 2014 at 4:25pm

"Who Cut the Cheese?", by Hungry Teacher
Mathematical Domains: Measurement and Data, Numbers and Operations, Ratios and Proportional Relationships, The Number System
Topics: Measurement, Pythagorean Theorem, Rates, Area, Perimeter, Percents
Grade Level(s): Sixth, Seventh, Eighth
Duration: Approximately 3 to 5 days

Support us and Join. Teacher owned and operated.
6 free lessons, Give them a try.http://

Comment by Mr. Peterson on July 30, 2014 at 5:32am

This is one of the best websites that I have see. Their lessons are muli-tiered and very interesting. The lesson, "Mind Your Own Beeswax" is featured on Ted-Ed with over 200,000 views.

Mind Your Own Beeswax

Mathematical Domains: Measurement and Data, Numbers and Operations, Ratios and Proportional Relationships, Statistics and Probability

Standards: Grade Levels 6, 7, 8

Comment by Rose Arnell on April 6, 2014 at 2:03pm

Teacher Needs Support. I am working on my graduate research study and need perspectives from 10 K-12 teachers on what drives them to learn and engage in virtual communities like C 2.0. Please consider participating as your input and expertise would contribute greatly to the research. Click here for more information. 

Comment by Mr. Peterson on February 5, 2014 at 7:05pm

Here is the picture that we used for our discussion piece with our seminar class. We had some great math related questions, comments, and problems. The picture came from Hungry Teacher's, "Who Cut the Cheese?"

Comment by Mr. Peterson on February 2, 2014 at 3:48pm

Hungry Teacher presents, "Mathletes".
Where are the Mathletes? Grab your mathletic gear and suit up!
Mathematical Domains: Functions, Expressions & Equations
Topics: Modeling with Expressions, Linear Functions, Quadratic Functions
Grade Level(s): Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh

Comment by Mr. Peterson on December 11, 2013 at 4:26pm

We taught this lesson to our compacted 6th grade math classes. Great example of systems of equations. Last week, we had a discussed "More Money, More Problems" Check these lessons out. They are just like camping.......Intense


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