I have started a conversation with our 8th grade social studies teachers about collaborating with classrooms around the world in sharing personal stories about WW2. The idea is to get the perspectives of what the war was like in Germany, Japan, England, France, Italy, etc . Our students need to learn it is not "all about them."

We are imagining a wiki with pages devoted to different countries, and the students using different tools to tell the stories. We are open for other suggestions and ideas - we are just brainstorming and looking for partners at this point. Please spread the word around the world!!

Tags: history, ww2

Views: 121

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I can understand that. Good luck and know ESF is ready to help whenever you want. And I am open to questions on an informal basis.

Thanks, Bob!
We really appreciate your help!

Fantastic! What a great resource!
Hi Kathy,
Just wondering if you had a chance to view Graham Salisbury's books and website.... Hoping we can continue our brainstorming of ideas for our collaborative project!
Hello Melvina,
I have not yet. I hope to soon. I am going to invite the teachers I am working with into our conversation, since they are the ones that would actually be doing whatever we decide on. I do not want to set them up for something they are uncomfortable with.

So far, it sounds like you and your school are more advanced in tech use they we are. We are blocked from many useful sites, but working on it. The opportunity to collaborate with you and others is exciting and we definitely want to give it our best "college try." I emailed our disucssion so far to these three teachers to try and bring them up to speed. Hopefully I can get at least one of them to join us and we'll get going on this! Thanks for working with us!
Hi Kathy,
Thanks for getting back with me. I understand your current situation at your school. I"m hoping to hear back from one of your teachers and we can connect and continue the brainstorming.
If it is easier, you can email me at my school email address:
Thanks! Look forward to hearing from you!



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