Write On is a collaborative writing project involving third, fourth, and fifth grade students around the United States. In
Write On, three groups of five classes will each collaborate to write and illustrate a story, for a total of three stories. The purpose of this project is to expand writing skills while utilizing 21st Century Learning Tools for communication and collaboration. This activity will also allow for an exploration of regions as students track the location and regional information of participating schools.
Here's how it works… Four classes will be selected to participate in each project group, along with a fourth grade class from Wheeler Elementary School in Plainville, CT. A schedule will be developed and posted for each participating teacher. The lead fourth grade classes from Plainville will write the opening paragraph(s) on their group page to begin the story. Students will create a picture (computer generated, or digital image of hand drawn picture) to illustrate their paragraph(s). One picture per class can be chosen for inclusion in the Wiki, and uploaded. The next class will have two weeks to post one or more paragraphs and a picture. This will continue until all five classes have added their paragraph(s) and picture. Students can follow the development of their group's story, as well as the stories of the other two groups.
Along with writing the stories, each class has a Wiki page to share information about their city/town, state, and region. Plainville fourth graders spend much of the school year studying regions of the United States and biomes. The information shared by other classes will help them in their studies.
If you are interested in joining this project please request access to the wiki, located at:
http://writeon2011.pbworks.com. You will need to include a message that contains the following:
- Your email for further contact
- Name of your school
- Location of your school
- Grade that you teach