Here is Deb's article. Please begin discussion on the topic as read it. Perhap's Deb can post the questions to facilitate that here also.

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Which of the following means of integrating instructional technologies
across all content area are you observing :
Use of concept mapping for brainstorming and • student assignments
(for more information, see O’Bannon, Puckett, & Rakes, 2006 or
• Use of electronic readings in addition to paper-based readings;
• Electronic availability of previous exemplary student works for current
student examples (see McTighe & O’Connor, 2005);
• Universal access to course materials (including class lesson plans and
referenced materials);
• Immediate availability of audios of class lectures (see Abowd, Harvel,
& Brotherton, 2000);
• Access to just-in-time training videos to assist students in utilizing
• Use of templates to complete assignments (see Koszalka & Bianco,
2001; Moskowitz, 2004);
• Blogging as a means of answering student questions and providing
peer-to-peer support while building classroom communities (Glogoff,
2005; Poling, 2005);
• Use of blogging for students to reflect on class readings (see Du &
Wagner, 2005);
• Demonstrations of software and other tools that teach or reinforce
skills or strategies; and,
• Use of online tools.

if not should we see them... which and how would we
Being in the elementary setting means that what i see at one school with be totally different than in turn the use varies greatly! In schools that are "technology rich" teachers are using it everyday in many ways. I area that i do not see teachers using, yet, is the blogging and Online learning. Tachers are still nervous about the safety attached with these. In some schools it is the technolgoy holding back the teachers.We have many teahers who are ready and willing to try using these. We need to give our students hands on experience in the WEB 2.0 skills early on. I think is our responsibilty to be ahead of the curve and to be voice for our collegues.
Hi Jackie,

In technology rich schools, teachers are really expected to use it. Others are not expected to use even if it is available. Sooo much more needs to be done. When I read what others are doing on this website, I realize we are way behind and so are our students. Money will always be an issue....does that mean it is acceptable to use it as an excuse?
Expectation is a big part of this. When we set the expectation that people would check and use email, they did. Until we expect that teachers integrate technology, it won't happen as we hope.
I have put a great deal of our everyday materials on our intranet for teachers to reference. It is still hard though to get everyone on board with using the materials.

I provide most materials for the staff in template form to make it easier. Some staff have inquired about how to do this as well.

We are using PowerPoint to develop materials for students to use in class because we can add the audio and animation to further engage them in the learning. We recently began putting materials on DVD for parents to help students.

The use of video training materials as well as printed materials has helped me provide for new staff the same level of training that others got in prior years. I am working with ILSs and Reading First teacher to try putting some of their lessons on video for reference for staff.

I really want to add more audio and video to our website as well.

I am working with the grade 5 teachers this year to develop some social studies materials and they are very excited about using the technology. Glitch today was the TV. Could not get the computer to ouput to the TV. Will be asking for ideas from you all in AM on that one.
At Central, I see some use of just in time training videos in a few science classrooms. The science cart is in use practically all the time. Because a science teacher is in charge of the cart, few science teachers as for my help. No science teacher has co planned with me to access resources or teaching strategies. I haven't seen any teacher use electronic readings although I've suggested it and even volunteered to set up this kind of availibility. Only one teachers has gone ahead and tried a blog/discussion which worked out very well. It hasn't been tried again. A few teachers have webpages where students can get assignments.
As I explore more and more technologies and do more reading, I am coming to understand just how important it is for teachers to be teaching with technology. As teachers we try to model for students, what a life long learner looks like. By not learning and using these tools and teaching the "the-old-way", I think students are dismissing teachers of content. Case in point, I just finished a project with a teacher making brochures. The teacher stated that this is the first time all year this one class has participated. The question becomes why? Is it that using technology with authentic tasks that kids can be successful with, is the key to getting at content?? If this is true, why aren't more teachers trying this method if they care about students so much?
As I get into more classes and see teaching strategies, I'm beginning to see what our problems are in reaching students. Check out some of my comments on Rigor in that discussion on this site (Ist page)
I have observed teachers using templates both embedded in the software and uploaded to the teacher's assignment folder on his/her school server. I have also observed teachers using demonstration media to demonstrate features of software, e.g., Atomic Learning.
I have participated in discussin forums with students using the MassONE forums.
Much of the online tools used or not used depends on availability of adequate technology and the teacher's knowledge and comfort in using these tools. The more we can support teachers in this process, the quicker our students will have access to current online learning tools.
I certainly understand the availability of technology part. What we have is obsolete in many cases and causes teachers to get frustrated easily. My comment is, students should be exposed to adults doing problem solving when technology gets a bit frustrating. We should be modeling "thinking-on-our-feet" and out of the box. So many teachers just won't try even with support. What is that about?
Nadine, I did like your other comment about being surprized that many of these new teachers are coming without technology skills. Colleges and professors in many cases are not on board either. Maybe I'll explore ways to change that in my next life. :-)
You are both so on target. New staff doesn't necessarily come with the tech skills we might expect and often if they do, think they know all there is to know shunning help.

As for thinking-on-our-feet, yes, yes, yes! We are often so afraid to let students see us struggle - as if we can ever avoid that in our lives! They need to see us problem solve and work through the frustrations. If we don't model it, who will?
Hi all,
I have observed several of these techniques at Kiley. However, I haven't seen many of them in use when they are not facilitated by me. Things I have helped facilitate:
-electronic readings
-universal access to course materials
-use of online tools
-demos of software and other tools
-blogging to answer student questions, etc.

I do see teachers performing webquests, and electronic readings. I have had a lot of success in using the Mass One online modules with a couple of teachers, but haven't persuaded anyone to try it without me as of yet....although I will work on this. I did use the discussion module of Mass One with students that Nadine referred to. This is similar to a blog, and the 7th grade class that I used it with wasted no time in posting inappropriate comments, despite several reminders of appropriate behavior and good "digital citizenship". Students were told that priviledges would be taken away, and one student did actually have to do an online module without a computer as a result! So I would agree with Jackie that teachers are concerned with safety regarding the whole blog issue, and it does seem as though they still need to be in alot of ways! Maybe students need to earn some sort of "user license" like we talked of last year before they can access blogs and similar resources.

Very interesting idea about user licences. Middle School is difficult to say the least. I firmly believe that this is where we need to draw the line. Those that abuse need some kind of redirective. Teachers too need to draw the line and model good digital citizenship. There are websites that allow the teacher to monitor what is posted before it is posted. Inappropriate posts warrent a call home.
Yes again! Let's not just take it away from everyone! Policies need to be enforced and teachers need to model and hold them accountable.



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