I just wrote an eBook and would like feedback from educators familiar with the benefits of e-learning. I wrote it for teachers and administrators who have instructional technology (like SMART boards) in their schools and are looking for more efficient ways of providing teacher training.

You can view/ download it at www.2itedsol.com/newrules.pdf

Thank you,

Johnny Hamilton

Tags: development, digital, e-learning, ebook, pd, professional, smartboard, training, whiteboard

Views: 193

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Johnny-

As a non-teacher from the business world who is just learning Moodle and Web 2.0 tools, I found your eBook to have a simple explanation of how teachers can gain new skills in the 21st century. At times the eBook felt like a marketing piece but not overly so. In my recent research I have found that some schools have really taken ahold of Web 2.0 tools, particularly in the classroom, while others have nearly ignored the new tools. I think it is best if teachers are trained with new technologies if those new technologies are to come into the classrooms. All-in-all a nice eBook that explores training venues.

Katrina Way, MBA


I have just joined the group and I found your eBook amazing. Thank you for sharing. I would like to know more about the field of e-Learning.


Anne Marie



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