I'm a part time teacher and part time musician in Manchester UK, addicted to the new tools for learning that Web 2.0 offers. I feel really lucky that music is my subject as digital technology and the online environment is so sweet for many aspects of music education. I'm really surprised that I'm struggling to find other music educators with whom to build a community so I'm hoping this group will attract some interest! But if I'm looking for you, please join this group so we can share ideas.

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Bonjour from the American School of Paris, France!

You'll find the list of free tools we use at my site: http://chrischater.org under the audio tools blog - in my music classroom everything we do is shown on screen via a beamer and a second wireless keyboard is in the hands of a student. Main keyboard is a Roland FP-5 connected to a 1) PC running Emagic Logic Soundtrack and Logic Fun; Vanbasco for Karaoke, rehearsal etc. 2) OSX Mac running Logic Studio 8; Sibelius; Audacity

Still looking for an online collaborative tool to replace Rocket Networks that was closed down several years ago - having participated in CIER (Composers in Electronic Residence) and other composing projects in the past we are now looking for a simple platform for online musical collaboration between schools worldwide... Any ideas?

Chris Chater
I recently found the ideal collaborative workspace at http://kompoz.com and have started a collaborative project at http://www.kompoz.com/compose-collaborate/home.project?projectId=6157
Looking forward to hearing from anyone interested in this type of composition!

With my elementary students I've been using noteflight (I import musicXML midi files created by the students playing live into a sequencer) - see results in our Moodle at http://www.asparis.fr:83/poodle/course/view.php?id=207

There is also a link to my Ning where you can see 5th graders using Jamstudio (recording into Audacity in the background to make their own backing tracks for rap, pop etc)

Feedback would be most welcome
Hi, I'm new here. I have been a member of Classroom 2.0 for a few months, but only now found you. I am an K-5 elementary music teacher in NYS. I am looking for ways to integrate technology into my lesson plans. It seems that the groups that would benefit from the technology most (music teachers) are always the last to get the tools they need. If you're an elementary level music teacher it's even worse. Any suggestions from anyone on how to get support to put these excellent tools into practice?

I have a teacher web page through my district using moodle. However, it is not being used to its fullest potential. But that's a different discussion. Anyway, just wanted to check in and see the news. Glad I found you!


Yes I agree that technology and online resources are an excellent means of supplementing live teaching in music. I am co-director of E-MusicMaestro, the online resource offering aural training for music students and professional development for piano teachers and piano students at  http://www.e-musicmaestro.com

Please share your ideas too.

Hi!  I'm an itinerant elementary band director for a public school district in Delaware and currently enrolled in a masters program for Applied Technology in Education.  In my courses we have explored different Web 2.0 tools, and I was wondering if anyone has used Twitter in the classrooms or as a communication for families.  I've been doing some research on it for my final class and it's something that interests me.  Does anyone have any experience with using Twitter for educational or instructional purposes?  I'd love to hear comments or ideas!  Thanks!

Hey Barbara,

I'm blown away that you are a music teacher in Delaware, because so am I! I teach middle school music on the southern end of the state, and I am also working on my masters in Applied Technology in Education -- small world!

I have not used Twitter in my classroom yet -- a lot of what I have been learning about in this program has been AWESOME, but I've been reluctant to actually implement a lot of it because I didn't want to introduce major changes to my way of doing this with my students halfway through the school year. Since this year is just about over (one more week!), I am looking forward to putting some of these things into practice for the 2014-2015 school year. I hope I can get permission from my administration to utilize Twitter for educational purposes and for purposes related to informative communication. (We have a rather large music department.)

Since you last posted, have you had any success utilizing these technologies?

My name is Daniel Portillo. I am flute teacher at Madrid Conservatory of Music.

I have designed an app to help my students  improve their intonation  through lessons, games and audio clips.

Intonatio is already available for iOS devices and is coming soon to Android, as well.


Hello Pete,

When you first posted on this discussion forum back in 2007, I was just getting ready to start my music education studies at Delaware State University. Now, almost seven years later, I'm in my third year of teaching music for the Indian River School District in southern Delaware, and I'm working on my Master's Degree in Applied Technology in Education through Wilmington University. (Specifically, I teach general music and choir.)

I'm going to be honest -- I didn't know much about Classroom 2.0 until I began my master's work; typically, I always just relied on music teacher friends (and also family, incidentally), my professors and good 'ol Google if I had any questions.

However, a lot of what I have learned recently about the new technological tools coming out to help educators has been thanks to the classes I'm taking at Wilmington -- but once I graduate, I think Classroom 2.0 will be a good place to check to see what's coming out.

One of my favorite tools is Educreations, which allows you to make video presentations for your students about whatever you want. 


Check out my presentation about the piano here:


The great thing about it is that students can access these videos and watch and rewatch them as many times as they need. It really fits well into the "flipped classroom" model, which I've grown very fond of.



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