I wonder what everyone would list as their top 3 indespensable-I-couldn't-live-with-out-em tools for literacy instruction. Thinking actual physical objects. Let's make this two-fold. List top 3 technological tools, and top 3 non-tech tools.

(I also wonder if many of these "things" will be the same for everyone?!)

Hmm... Technology ones will be easy, but non-tech... I'll have to think about that. :-)

Tags: literacy, teachers, technology, tools

Views: 264

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Great idea! Here's my blog multiageclassroom.blogspot.com

My kids love the blog. I wish all my parents could see the value of it.

this is hard, i teach at a private school and we don't have smart boards etc.
so, let me go old school and say, #1 the over head
#2 the web site ed helper. It costs about $20. a year but is well worth it.
i can type in my vocab words, it give me definitions, makes review sheets and tests.
it does that and so very much more.
#3 this year i hope to have a student computer and have the students take turns blogging (any ideas on this please share them)

non tech
classroom sets of novels
my classroom library
and my "magic" wands that i use as pointers and staples easy buttons for when the math lesson gets to hard!!
1. My ACTIV board
2. My PC's for the kiddo's
3. My LeapFrog Literacy Center (when I was in 1st) I'll have to see for this year!

1. My Whiteboard
2. My Rocking Chair
3. My letter tiles
I bought a new flexible binder today that folds completely over like a notebook. LOVE it! See my blog at http://www.classroom20.com/profiles/blog/show?id=649749%3ABlogPost%...
Ok... I would have to say my top 3 tech tools are:

1. ELMO. I couldn't not live without it! I use it almost all day long for all subjects. It's wonderful. Last year on a unit about worms, I put the worms under the camera and we looked to see whether the worms liked a damp paper towel vs. a dry one. The kids loved it and learned a ton.

2. LCD projector and Safari Montage for ed. videos and viewing author websites

3. CD player for all our fun dance breaks throughout the day.

Top 3 non-tech stuff:

1. Chart paper and easel. Need I say more?

2. Books, books, books

3. Plastics bins- wonderful for organizing all those books and other manipulatives.
Ahhh! An "ELMO" projector. When you have one of those, EVERY book you own can be a "big book"! What a great tool!

ELMO for sure.  This tool changed my life!  It's a must have for for the classroom and by far one of the most useful tools I have.


Non-tech: many sets of books for book clubs, picture books, subscriptions to a variety of magazines.  (The kids read them and i pull articles for strategy instruction.  Comfy furniture.  A yoga ball for kids when they need to bounce and read.

Top three "Tools" in my class:
1. Smartboard Technology
2. Self-help Reading Resource Box
3. Chart Paper/White Board and markers
It will be tough choosing 3...

Classroom lap tops

Non Tech:
Leveled books
Lined small journals
White boards...small kid ones.
PowerPoint Books - electronic forms of Guided Reading Books http://www.vendio.com/stores/brightideasolutions
YouTube http://www.youtube.com/joannekaminski

portable white board
dry erase marker



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