Hi everyone
I was asked to help compile some exemplary lesson plans for a project called The
Partnership for the 21st Century, which seeks to define ways that classroom instruction can be used to create collaborative, cross-disciplinary skills for students in the global world. They are in the process of putting out a new, updated report and seek to point folks to various projects that fall under various categories.
Some folks are looking at examples for 8th grade and for 12th grade, and I was asked by a colleague to try 4th grade (although this is an arbitrary grade level and anything within the mid-elementary range is perfect).
I thought a logical place to turn for outstanding teaching practices and lessons would be here in this Class 2.0 Elementary Group and so I am hoping that our community of elementary teachers might help me out.
I am attaching the document that I was given for you to look over.
If you are willing, you can just provide a quick overview of the lesson, and any links, as a reply to this message. Please be sure to include which section your exemplar would go under.
I am most grateful for any sharing that goes on and I appreciate any support and direction you might be able to give to me.
Sincerely and with much gratitude,
Kevin H.