We have begun our own classroom blog, The View From 3rd Grade. The kids are enormously excited. The challenge that remains is how to fit blogging into our bust schedule. I would love to hear about your own blogging experiences with your classes, answer questions for people just starting out, our trade contact info so we can collaborate on future blogging projects.
You might get some ideas from my blog. What is your blogging goal? My blog is a replacement for my old newsletter. It's also easier because I can post whenever and have no space constraints. Also, student photos look great on-line.
Thanks Richard! I finally had some divine inspiration late last night and came up with this:
Blogging: Communication and Collaboration
This year we will introduce the idea of journaling on a classroom blog. Although we value the importance of paper and pencils, this form of writing is becoming increasingly important for our students to learn. Students will begin by reading and commenting on blogs from other classrooms around the world. When they are ready to create their own posts, the 3rd graders will use this blog for creative writing (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, etc), reflection, sharing research, problem solving, and critical thinking. Students will also build on their technology skills and learn what makes a good “digital citizen” in today’s interconnected world.
Wow! Are your kids able to keyboard well enough to do this? I've wanted to start a book review blog and have kids comment on reviews of any book they've read. I've been reluctant though because it takes so long for my fourth graders to keyboard. I do have them practice keyboarding, I'm just reluctant. Maybe I should just take the leap of faith and see how it goes.
I am not sure yet how well they keyboard. I know they did Type To Learn in 2nd grade. It might be a disaster, but I think it's worth trying. I would love other classes for our class to link with, so let's keep in touch.
I have my fourth graders blogging and am looking for blog-pals for them. Also, I wanted to have my students start by reading and commenting on other people's blogs, too. but had trouble finding good examples or models for them to read and comment on--do you have some you could share?
I actually think having them learn to type earlier can be fun and beneficial before video games settle them into a rut they resist moving out of. They need a greater diversity of digital shifting and I see that those who have some keyboarding training having an advantage in the upper years over those who do not. I have witnessed upper classmen struggling with typing papers due to late or not exposure or to little practice in keyboarding. I know there is a disagreement in all this but kids now a day are using keyboards and other digital tools much earlier than the rest of us.
I also, (hate to tell you elementary teachers this) have witness many upper classmens illegible handwriting to the point of "handicap" ---- can "art" take over calligraphy? D'Nellian method to simplify the process? I don't know but it seems like we have much more to cram and cover for our digital citizens in the K-5, 6-8 and then 9-12 years----maybe a shift in who teaches handwriting (art?) may help us all? Turn handwriting into ZEN expression? Who knows---because we use all forms of communication now-----type, write--speak, blog, wiki it, ning it.....Twitter it!
I just came across this. I teach 4th grader in Kansas. I would love to be blog-pals with you if you're still interested. Let me know what works. jan.wells@usd340.org
Being pretty new to blogging and trying to jam more stuff into a schedule and working with limited access to computers, my kids are generally using our blog from home. This gives kids the chance to reply to topics we've been working on in class (such as the constitution, inauguration, and our book groups) As a writing project, we will spend time setting up blogs for each kid. This will allow them to do more than comment. For me access during school is as big an issue as time. For the kids who are able to connect at home, we take care of both issues.
As fellow newbies, we'll be checking out The View From 3rd Grade.