Elementary School 2.0


Elementary School 2.0

Since elementary teachers have special circumstances to deal with concerning the use of technology, I thought we could meet here to talk and to share ideas for 2.0 integration.

Members: 1150
Latest Activity: Jul 12, 2018

Here's an RSS feed to my del.icio.us links related to web2.0 stuff.

Discussion Forum

Got Math?

Started by Mr. Peterson Feb 23, 2015. 0 Replies

Unleash Your Beast: Hungry Teacher

Started by Mr. Peterson Oct 26, 2014. 0 Replies

Comment Wall


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Comment by Sean Spencer on August 22, 2008 at 2:59pm
I am a first grade teacher and new to Classroom 2.0. My desire is to find creative technology ideas that will motivate my students. Is there anyone interested in becoming Internet penpals? I want my students to meet other students across the country. It would really be neat to conference with another class about plants, animals, holiday celebrations and so on. Delete Comment
Comment by Debbie Amoroso on July 31, 2008 at 9:18am
I am a fourth grade teacher in Philadelphia looking for classrooms willing to collaborate about the different regions of Pennsylvania. I am looking for someone in the Lake Erie region, PIttsburgh region, Allegheny Plateau, Atlantic Coast area, Lancaster, Harrisburg, Hershey area.
My class works in groups to study each area and look for what each area has to offer for tourists to see when visiting the region. So what do you like to do in your region for entertainment, vacations, etc.
Comment by Dr.A.Khan on July 23, 2008 at 1:07pm
I would like to get more help on how to get started in clasroom2.0 web?Please let me know about it.
Comment by Rick Glass on July 22, 2008 at 8:24pm
Hi everyone,
I am beginning my third year of teaching 4th grade at Harrison Elementary School in Warsaw, Indiana. I have a wonderfully unique 1:1 classroom. Each of my students has his/her own desktop computer. I obtained them when our school was forced to close a lab because of a rapidly growing student population.
In addition to the 1:1, I also have a Mimeo interactive board, sound system, and multiple cameras for digital storytelling and movie projects. We use blogs, a wiki, forums, chats, and have created learning projects with nearly two dozen other classrooms from around the world. Moodle helps us keep all organized.
I look forward to learning with each of you.
Comment by Ray Arroyo on July 20, 2008 at 2:02pm
Greetings! I am a Library Media Specialist in a K-5 elementary school in Patchogue, New York. Having just completed a week-long Web 2.0 summer institute with Karen Kliegman, I'm inspired to incorporate the new technology and mindset into my program. Special interests include puppetry, Spanish speaking populations and outreach to parents.
Comment by Michelle TeGrootenhuis on July 10, 2008 at 8:45pm
Hi all,
I started a group for elementary reading teachers yesterday and would like to extend an open invitation for you all to join if you'd like to discuss how we go about the business of teaching elementary students how to read.

Please pass this invitation on to staff w/in your districts who have avoided web 2.0 apps--this might be a way to pull them into the conversation!
-Michelle TG
Comment by Steven Kimmi on June 18, 2008 at 10:48am
Looking for collaborators...

Comment by Amanda Swartz on June 13, 2008 at 2:59pm
Every elementary teacher needs to have a discipline plan in order for everything to run smoothly. I have noticed that students are embarrassed and become fearful of their teacher because of reprimand. Technology is able to be incorporated in all subjects, but can anyone think of a way to make a discipline plan technological?
Comment by Amanda on June 11, 2008 at 7:12am
Our school is adopting a new math series and I am curious if anybody has comments on the Everyday Mathematics series
Comment by Danielle on May 5, 2008 at 3:29pm
I just joined classroom 20. Taking a class with Lisa Parisi... Computers in the 21st Century.

Members (1142)



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