Elementary School 2.0


Elementary School 2.0

Since elementary teachers have special circumstances to deal with concerning the use of technology, I thought we could meet here to talk and to share ideas for 2.0 integration.

Members: 1150
Latest Activity: Jul 12, 2018

Here's an RSS feed to my del.icio.us links related to web2.0 stuff.

Discussion Forum

Got Math?

Started by Mr. Peterson Feb 23, 2015. 0 Replies

Unleash Your Beast: Hungry Teacher

Started by Mr. Peterson Oct 26, 2014. 0 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Elementary School 2.0 to add comments!

Comment by Donna Eisenacher on July 7, 2011 at 8:41pm

Wow! A place just for us elementary people!  I am new to Classroom 2.0 but I am really looking forward to being a part of this community, learning and sharing ideas.


Comment by Bob Zenhausern on July 2, 2011 at 11:10am

How did we learn to speak?

We heard the words that others spoke and imitated them.

No one started by teaching us the letters and the sounds they make and almost all humans learned.

Why do we teach reading by starting with letters?

Comment by GoldStudent on May 19, 2011 at 2:00am


I would like to introduce you our website: http://www.goldstudent.com

It is a fun, easy and effective online math enrichment and assistance program for students K-6. It is designed to help children improve their problem-solving skills, gain confidence in their math abilities and have fun while they learn.

We have just launched our Free Trial! You can now create an account without any charges.

Please tell us what do you think.


Comment by Beverly Edwards on April 24, 2011 at 8:00pm
Currently Developing - My EDET 650 Blog Spot : Web 2.0 New Contexts for Teaching and Learning for a graduate course. Please consider following and providing comments from time to time.

Comment by a.gama on April 14, 2011 at 7:46pm

Have any of you tried Blabberize - just found it - my kids think its awesome: First grade house poems - blabberized!

I also use animoto - I see several of you talking about it.  Voice Thread is also great - The Foot Book - Kindergarten Voice Thread

Comment by Keith Schoch on April 11, 2011 at 6:12pm
If you've ever considered doing an author study, I've collected some great links in a post at my How to Teach a Novel site. You can also enter to win Born to Write: The Remarkable Lives of Six Famous Authors.
Comment by Kristi Tveit on April 7, 2011 at 4:28pm
Thanks for the idea Jason! I knew about Animoto but didn't realize I could get an educator account. We are doing state testing next week and doing a project on Animoto afterwards would be great. I'm new to Classroom 2.0, so I'm thrilled to already have an idea!
Comment by Darlene Lane on March 25, 2011 at 4:21pm
Check out my blog Changing Education through iPods to get great ideas for using the iPod touch in your elementary classroom.  They have changed the way I teach!  Check it out and follow me!
Comment by Katie Muhtaris on January 22, 2011 at 9:34am

Hi Everyone!  Trying to be better about posting to my blog.  Stop by if you're bored.  I blog about all aspects of teaching from book recommendations to technology integration.  Thnx!

Inquiry Live in the Classroom

Comment by Sally Wan on December 3, 2010 at 7:04am
Dear all,
I am writing to invite you to join our new integrated humanities project for a group of Grade 6-7 students (age 11-13), "Antarctica Expedition". (http://www.antarcticaexpedition2011.wikispaces.com : This website is going to be collaboratively built-up by teachers and students.)

The objectives of the Project are:
1. to explore the relationship between the living things and the environment in Antarctica
2. to explore the effects of ozone depletion on the earth
3. to develop a sense of global citizenship
4. to develop global perspectives through collaborating with international students

Duration of the Project: Jan-Feb 2011

In this Project, we will use different kinds of web 2.0 tools such as wikispaces wordpress.com to do the collaborative works.

Your participation is always welcome. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested to join us. :)


Members (1142)



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