
Fantastic 591.01

This group is expressly for students enrolled in LS 591.01, Fall 2010.

Location: Sam Houston State University
Members: 26
Latest Activity: Jul 18, 2011

Greetings Fantastic 591 Students!

I like using some resources outside eCollege for this class. For one thing, they can add some additional flexibility. Also, they can familiarize you with free online resources such as this one. If you are not already a member of the Classroom20 community, there is much here for you outside of our private group. This is a wonderful resource for educators, including librarians, who want to work with kids using Internet resources. You will find a lot of other valuable information there, along with many very savvy members who can teach us all new things. I have been a member for several years but have never started a group just for one class. I hope it works well for us! Once you join, go ahead and set up your personal page. That way we can see one another and start getting to know class members here as well as via eCollege. Oh and, I need to figure out how to rotate my picture above. Anyone want to solve that problem for me? See you in cyberspace, mabell
PS I will be updating the eCollege site in coming days so keep going back there as well as checking in here.
Cheers, mabell
PS Trivia question: Whose statue is that next to me on my personal page profile shot?

Discussion Forum


Started by Mel Sep 6, 2010. 0 Replies

Hello.  I am so glad to have the opportunity to attend the SHSU MLS graduate school online.  I wouldn't be able to achieve this any other way.  Continue

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Fantastic 591.01 to add comments!

Comment by Naomi Vasquez-Montes on September 17, 2010 at 7:30pm
Hi, I finally made it here. I set up my page a few weeks ag but did not realize I had to join the group. I have got to remember to read carefully, like I'm always telling MY students :)
Comment by Denise Perez on September 15, 2010 at 8:48pm

My "baby" Abbey
Comment by Kristi Johnson on September 15, 2010 at 7:33pm
What exciting news for you Dr. Bell! I am sure you will enjoy having her back on Texas soil.
Comment by Michelle Valdez on September 14, 2010 at 10:17pm
Hello! My name is Michelle Valdez. I am a 8th year teacher at San Antonio ISD at Austin Academy. I live in San Antonio and have a beautiful 2 year old daughter named Leea Renee. I look forward to getting back into the swing of things and enjoying a little bit slower paced semester as opposed to the fast and furious summer I and II sessions.

Good luck everyone!!!
Comment by Dr. Mary Ann Bell on September 14, 2010 at 8:47pm
I love all the family and pet pics! Folks if I have not given you your 15 points, I will be doing that. Right now I am just communicating.
Comment by Dr. Mary Ann Bell on September 14, 2010 at 8:43pm
Regarding where to post? Posting anywhere in the group is fine...I am just using this as a way for us to visit informally and share pictures, family news, etc. I just got off Facebook chat with my daughter. I am excited because she has been living in Portland OR but is moving back to Texas next month.
Comment by Ali Wood on September 14, 2010 at 7:10pm

Comment by Ali Wood on September 14, 2010 at 7:09pm

Comment by Ali Wood on September 14, 2010 at 7:07pm
I'm in Kingwood, TX amd happily working in my brand new library. It's been so much fun/work getting it going... it's an ever-continuing work in progress. I got a big supply order in today that had book ends! Who knew I could be so excited about red book ends! Wahooooo!
Comment by marivel rangel on September 14, 2010 at 2:30pm
I live in Edinburg, TX. I'm married and have 3 wonderful doggies. I started the MLS program in the summer. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends.

Members (24)



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