Can we begin by reading Dewey's Dream (see citation above) and then start a series of critical and constructive discussions based on three main objectives stated by its authors in their "Preface":
1) to "...trace the complex process whereby Dewey developed his utopian (i.e., inspiring) vision of a global "Great Community" composed of participatory democratic societies living together peacefully and harmoniously."
2) to "...critically analyze Dewey's failure to specify and demonstrate empirically the practical means needed to realize his utopian vision."
3) to "...propose a possible solution in order to stimulate the development of a massive worldwide academic movement dedicated to solving the terribly hard, critically important problem Dewey failed to solve."
The authors go on to state that their "primary purposes are agenda setting and movement initiating, not thesis stimulate the constructive criticism, creative counterproposals, serious sustained debate, and experimental action necessary for an interactive international network of academics to develop the practical means necessary to solve the "Dewey Problem" and to realize Dewey's inspiring vision of a global "Great Community."
Can this group be a place for us at CR2.0 to participate in such an initiative? How would such participation compare with feedback generated by Secretary of Education Spellings' recent call for input?
Please participate in learning more about Dewey's Dream.
Tags: Dewey, civil+society, democratic+citizenship, public+schools, unrealized+dream