John Dewey's Democracy and Education has been an education Bible for me ever since I was introduced to his work while I was coordinating the DECal program at UC-Berkeley back in the 80s (DECal is a Dewey and Freire-inspired long-running student organization which organizes classes that are developed and offered by students themselves). I've been teaching in many different forums and settings over the past twenty years, and Dewey remains absolutely central to all my teaching attempts - and now, finally, teaching online, I've come much closer to my goals of getting myself out of the equation and letting the students define and pursue their own learning pathways. It's not perfect, of course, because my class is part of a huge education bureaucracy which is patently anti-Dewey in every way... but there's a kind of freedom online that the bureaucracy at my school has not learned to stop (at least not yet!).

So, of course I was delighted to find that Democracy and Education is available online at ILTWeb.

Are there other good Dewey resources online people have found???

Meanwhile, check out the tag:


Views: 187

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Wow, Skip, this is so exciting - I have tagged these items with the tag "johndewey" and there is a good long list of Dewey resources online:
hi Clay, thanks for your note! KOREA: that is exciting! I used to live in the Bay area and there were some awesome Korean restaurants there. yummmm...
AP: ugh. it's just a hobby but I do a lot of Latin-language teaching materials online and the AP Latin exam is one of the greatest evils in existence. I won't bore you with the details - just to let you know that I feel your pain.........
And i found your blog - it's SUPER. I have subscribed. What great stuff. I saw your comment about why javascript keeps you using - me, too. I love javascript things. One of my projects when I have a little time to spare is building widgets for my classes - I keep them here:
they are built with a GENIUS tool that one of my students and I dreamed up together - you might like it! - you put stuff in an HTML table and it creates the javsacript (or php script) for you.
Hi all,
Late on the scene, but the Internet Archive has a huge selection of Dewey's works. They're available on-line, and they're also downloadable, if you're like me, and want to collect your own!



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