I'm not sure exactly how to phrase the discussion title, but I am seeking input into what you think are the most important technology concepts that students should learn K-5, and perhaps some links. Looking for cutting edge here, as I'm preparing for possible interviews as a technology specialist (I'm looking for a new job). I guess I'm looking for ways to actually make learning more productive, and make students more proficient in necessary technology, not just "cool and fun stuff." I am tapping your wealth of knowledge....thanks in advance. : )

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Suggest you talk about collaboration with distant schools, children creating learning content for other classes, participating in "real science" projects, and understanding a wide range of cultures by experiencing a relationship with distant students of their own age. You could put an emphasis on the students learning internet safety parameters, and learning to research well beyond the confines of the local library. You could talk about conversations with book authors and illustrators, and even with archeologists "in the field". Not only students, but teachers as well, can benefit with the collaboration with "experts" here, there, and everywhere, bringing more richness to the box called a classroom.
I would also focus some on teaching the teachers how to do this collaborative work. One thing I've found with many technology specialist is that they don't make the technology fun for those teachers that are aprehensive about using it. I would think about a plan to get all teachers using technology effectively on a regular basis.

Oh, and typing skills are important. Many time we jump into the technology world and look over the most basic concept! Our students need to know how to type if they are going to blog!!
This is my first year teaching computer K-8, I have done lessons using web 2.0 tools. Voicethread and wikis are my favorite. However I would like to be able to collaborate with other schools using these tools. I have been a part of other schools collaboration on a Voicethread project which had treads from all over the world. It was a great learning experience.
Thanks, I hadn't heard of voicethread. I did a search and found some good resources including a wiki with examples of projects through the grades http://voicethread4education.wikispaces.com/K-2



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