I am a high school media specialist and just found out from my supervisor that my "new" role will be to provide staff development (workshops on ways to integrate technology into teaching) and also to be a one-on-one technology consultant to teachers (I wonder if I'll get to teach research skills anymore or touch a book...?). Does anyone else solely operate in this capacity?  Does anyone have great ideas for working with social studies teachers?  I have to give an integrating technology workshop to them next month.  They've already received my Web 2.0 workshop.


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I have developed a model for integrating technology into the classroom. It puts pedagogy first. Here are some assignments. Please write me if you have any questions. Judith Comfort



How to write an online lesson

  • SCREEN READERS: Factor in the limitations and advantages of reading a screen rather than a piece of paper. Think about how it will look on the screen, simplifying as you go. Your style will,  necessarily be conversational and succinct.  Assume that students can follow and understand  their lesson at home, without a teacher. Traditional print handouts  (usually in Word) can up embedded (so students who miss your class can still get them).
  • AUDIENCE: Who is your audience? - Students, teachers, parents (and anyone else in the world). Transparency is advocacy
  • PRACTICAL USE: Think about how the lesson will be used:
  1. PROJECTION: It can be projected in the classroom or school lab, in order to introduce it to students  and walk them through it (e.g. demonstrating interactive features).
  2. HOMEWORK: Students can access the assignment and resources at home, too.
  3. PARENTS: Parents may want to see what their child is doing.
  4. VIRTUAL FILING CABINET:  You can refer to your lesson,  at any time, anywhere,  direct others to it, cut-and-paste snippets to send people in e-mails, or share it on Facebook. wherever...!




A few lines only as readers don’t like to scroll down half a page to get to an assignment. Of course you can write a much longer introduction; post a few lines with a link to the rest…read more.

Brief, logical steps

So students can follow them at home, without a teacher.


Enhance  and illustrate meaning


Deepen meaning and encourage students to personalize their research (click to things that interest them!)



Information literacy or media literacy narrative

Explains what you are doing and why, adding metacognitive and inspiring comments, just like you would in person

Embedded resources



How to ge the code to embed

  1. Ensure that students don’t go on a wild goose chase to Wikipedia and back. Think of the assignment as a map through a jungle of information.
  2. Good opportunity to feature and teach about the latest resources and technologies, for example:

Google books

Wolfram Alpha Search

Fill in forms for engaging and honing interest for further study

Well-written database articles chosen  for student reading levels

Diversified video collections

Real databases (Family Name Search -geneology)

RSS feeds to bring up-to-the minute relevence

Blogs for creating real communication opportunities for students

Museum displays

Thanks!  Great stuff here. Much appreciated!

Judith, this is amazing material!  How did you ever find the time to create these?  Do you have any more -- like for elementary students?   Most LMS are being asked to collaborate with teachers and lead the way in integrating technology, but we aren't given any more time in our day to accomplish this. 

Sorry, I work at a 9-12 school, so don't have elementary lessons. Time? good question...I have been using the Typepad platform since 2005, so I am pretty fast with the technology side of it - and you are looking at years of work; once posted,  pages can be edited and adapted easily. Also save time by diving right in, not creating and re-doing in another format. Re: my day -   I do have a full-time clerical help and work with 1300 students and 75 teachers; collaboration sometimes takes 10-20 minutes of in person talk, but I communicate and followup by e-mail. For me collaboration and " leading the way in integrating technology" are the same thing, and my highest priority (as well as reading literacy). I also work at night and on weekends, but all teachers do that. I am happy to answer any questions you might have.  Judith in Vancouver, BC, Canada





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