If you're heading to Denver for ISTE 2010, please add these PBL events to your calendar. We're looking forward to the opportunity to expand on the conversations we've started online.
Plus, we can tell you about an exciting new opportunity to collaborate on project design with help from
Edutopia.Birds of a Feather: Join us for a PBL Birds of a Feather event on Monday (6/28), 4:45-6:15 pm, room CCC 205/207
Hands-on Session: Tinkering Under the Hood: Strategies to Enhance Critical Thinking, Tuesday (6/29), 3:30-4:30 pm, CCC Korbel Ballroom 2A.
Plan on an engaging conversation about the role of inquiry in PBL.
Book Signing: We'll be signing
copies of
Reinventing Project-Based
Learning and answering questions, Tuesday (6/29), 5-6 p.m., CCC
Lobby D
Poster Session: The Innovator's Toolkit, Wednesday (6/30), 8-10 am, CCC Lobby A.
Hope to see you there!
~Suzie and Jane