How are you planning to observe the 10th anniversary of 9/11 with your students?

I've collected some project-worthy resources in this Edutopia post. You'll find suggestions for helping students gather oral histories, make tributes, or be more critical consumers of the news, among other ideas.

Pam Moran and Ira Socol share a powerful essay about why students need to learn to interpret history for themselves in this post for the NY Times Learning Network.

Please tell us about projects you are planning and resources that will help students make sense of this emotion-charged date.


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I will be introducing this 9/11 music and media project to my 7th and 12th grade students when classes begin this week...
John Chase

As of now (ideas subject to change!), I plan to have the students on the Thurs/Fri before (we are on an A/B block schedule) preview this infographic of the Rebuilding 1 World Trade Center and make an inference about it and post a reflection to their blogs.


Then, when we return after the weekend, I will read aloud "September 12: We Knew Everything Would Be All Right" and have them reflect in their writer's notebook.


Lessons here and here.


May we never forget!

I'm very torn about what to do.  I don't want to re-traumatize my students over the whole thing but it's such a big moment in our country's students would have been 2 years old when it happened.  They can't imagine a world where 9/11 isn't influencing the way we see things.

It's a fine line and I'm not sure they're still old enough to hear all the horrific stories of death and destruction and hatred that this date conjures up.

Hi Marsha,

I appreciate your concerns. You might find some inspiration in the advice offered by the National Association of School Psychologists. They encourage activities that build youth resilience, so that students “see themselves as a positive force in their world, even in the face of adversity.” (See Edutopia link for more resources from NASP and others.)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.




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