I just drafted a book chapter that includes a big treatment of infographics. I'm excited to share what I've learned and get your thoughts on infographics and other means for building visual and information literacy. What are your favorite resources, methods, and tips? Please join me at 5:00 p/6:00m/7:00c/8:00e on Elluminate. Here is the Learn Central link to the event

PBL, Information Literacy & Infographics

Join Jane Krauss, coauthor of Reinventing Project-Based Learning, for a look into infographics and how examining and making them builds core knowledge and information literacy. This will be a very visual and lively session where you'll get to interpret compelling infographics and imagine setting up situations where your students create their own.

Anyone who has links to infographics or other resources they'd like to share, add them to this slide, which I'll add to the presentation.

Tags: math, pbl, socialstudies

Views: 174

Replies to This Discussion

Sounds great! And, since the Elluminate event is not until the 16th I have time to learn/prepare/refresh - ha ha
Super!!! You gave me a good idea, too. Anyone who has links to infographics or other resources they'd like to share, add them to this slide, which I'll add to the presentation.

Have you seen this?


Examples of interesting infographics.
Andrea, that one's new to me!! I'll add it to the preso. There are some amazing sites out there. My pal Suzie just turned me on to the New York Times Learning Network Blog, which recently did a "Week of Infographics" featuring our friend Diana Laufenberg! Really excited by all the parts there.
OMG, Diana is my new best friend :)
I am going to stencil this comment (among others) on my office wall:
" . . it’s not easy. It pushes students outside their normal, comfortable 'school' reading-and-writing habits, but it gives them practice in the ultimate 21st century skill: telling stories with data. In my experience, it also causes the new information they’ve researched and communicated to 'stick.'"
YES! Let's create learning environments that PUSH the student (not learning environments that lull them into submission).
Diana and possibly a few of her students will be participating in the Webinar tonight, I hope you can join us!



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