PBL ~ Better with Practice


PBL ~ Better with Practice

A group of educators interested in fine-tuning classroom practice to get the very most out of project-based learning.

Members: 286
Latest Activity: Nov 28, 2017


Let's Meet at #PBLChat

Did you know PBL enthusiasts meet up through Twitter each Tuesday night for conversation about all things PBL? Use the hashtag #pblchat any time, but especially on Tuesday nights at 9:00 p.m. EST.

Welcome Members! If you are new to PBL~BwP please introduce yourself here in a new members thread.

Here are the links to our past PBL Better with Practice Webinars
Session 1 Creating a Culture of Inquiry
Recording (2:00: link 2, 5:00:link 3)
Slide deck with links
Session 2 ~ Keeping Your Project on the Rails
2:00 pst Recording - 5:00 pst Recording
Slide deck with links
Session 3 ~ It’s Not Over When It’s Over: The Project Spiral
2:00 pst Recording - 5:00 pst Recording
Slide deck with links

Discussions Continue in the Better with Practice Group
Please dig in, and feel free to start more discussions.
A big THANK YOU to Project Foundry for sponsoring this series!

Discussion Forum

PBL and Civics in Hawaii

Started by Brian Rock Nov 28, 2017. 0 Replies

Projects Going On In Our Classrooms

Started by Rachel Pickett. Last reply by Brian Rock Oct 9, 2017. 10 Replies

Welcome, New Members

Started by Suzie Boss. Last reply by Or-Tal Kiriati May 31, 2015. 48 Replies

use of PBL

Started by Aytakin Ahmadova Nov 16, 2013. 0 Replies

Jacobs Educator Award Program

Started by Matt Callison Jun 14, 2013. 0 Replies

Teaching Drama in 7th Grade ELA with PBL

Started by Amber hooks Sep 17, 2012. 0 Replies

Project Based U.S. History lesson

Started by Larry Blodgett. Last reply by Larry Blodgett Apr 19, 2012. 2 Replies

New Guide for Parents

Started by Suzie Boss Mar 21, 2012. 0 Replies

New PBL Assessment Guide

Started by Suzie Boss. Last reply by Margaret Young Sep 18, 2011. 4 Replies

Observing 9/11

Started by Suzie Boss. Last reply by Suzie Boss Sep 6, 2011. 4 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of PBL ~ Better with Practice to add comments!

Comment by Terry Smith on January 8, 2011 at 6:35am

Derek - have you looked at Quest Atlantis? See http://questatlantis.org - it's a research program from Indiana University, a 3D world (Active Worlds based) in which elementary students work on missions and quests in areas of science, math, language, character education, Internet safety, history, etc. Students work toward awards in Social Commitment as they learn and collaborate with each other. Kids from around the world are present and it is very much a monitored, protected space. I've found it crosses learning styles, reading levels, and engages kids who had otherwise been uninterested in learning in school.

It is free, and requires teacher training,sign up/parental permission University.




Teacher Ed Web: http://www.smithclass.org


Comment by Derek Luebbe on January 8, 2011 at 2:48am
Can anyone help me locate quality virtual environments that are used in education for PBL? I'm familiar with Farmville, World of Warcraft, etc. but I'd be interested to hear of other sites that teachers find effective.
Comment by Nathan Grimm on August 26, 2010 at 1:03pm
Just made a widget that combines a lot of the latest PBL blog posts and tweets into one spot. You could post it to your blog or website. Available here: http://www.guidetoonlineschools.com/online-teaching/project-based-l.... Tweet @n8ngrimm if you have any PBL blogs or information sources that should be included.
Comment by Jane Krauss on August 19, 2010 at 6:10pm
Hey I just posted to the larger forum - how do you organize and share web resources? Curious what you do.
Comment by Jane Krauss on August 7, 2010 at 1:17pm
Thanks Johnathan! I have a group in AZ who will love to see this work, will pass it along!
Comment by Johnathan Chase on August 6, 2010 at 5:51am
Have posted pictures of 3D Memorial Projects created by 8th graders over at my profile page. Check out Learning From Lyrics FB Group; see wall for more lesson ideas and addtional examples of student media projects. Also check info page for additional links and resources...


New members always welcome!
Comment by Peggy George on March 26, 2010 at 10:32am
There was a fantastic panel discussion about PBL today called "Redesign Delivery" in Erie High Charter School, Kansas. You will definitely want to listen to the recording as soon as it is posted. This is a link for the high school. http://www.usd101.com/education/school/school.php?sectionid=3& The recording will be available here: http://crisisintheclassroom.com/ or here: http://crisisintheclassroom.com/content/panel-discussion-redesign-d... The panel provided specific, concrete information about the way the entire school is organized around PBL and how the facility was built to support it. Technology is an integral part of the school and AUPs were discussed. The chat conversation is also rich and loaded with excellent questions and suggestions for successful PBL learning environments. The panel is a part of a weekly series called "Final Fridays." Final Fridays is an opportunity for superintendents to gather and participate in professional learning and discussions centered around Hot Topics in Education. The sessions are focused on the variety of solutions and ideas oriented toward solving the budget problems. One of the quotes shared in the chat captured a key point in the conversation: "We have to stop of thinking of curriculum as something we do in a sequence on a certain day at a certain time.. and start thinking of curriculum as learning what we need to know--when we need to know it." Another person shared in response to a comment that PBL isn't for all teachers/students: "Passion-based learning is for all kids. This is how we all learn when we are not in school."
Comment by Cindy Stephenson on March 12, 2010 at 1:29pm
Hi- I am just getting going with a more authentic :) project-based learning approach. Any suggestion for Forces. Motion and Energy? I want to have the students build and present Rube Goldberg machines. Looking forward to some great ideas! Thanks!
Comment by George Mayo on March 12, 2010 at 8:03am
Great discussion yesterday regarding the project "spiral." Lots to think about. Thanks to Jane and Suzie for putting together this topic thread!
Comment by Kyla Fisher on February 25, 2010 at 7:43pm
Hi , I am a kindergarten teacher in Iowa. I have been very interested in project based learning, and have used a few projects in my classroom. I would like to find out more about the best way to get the kids thinking and exploring ideas - I find that so many of them are too willing to let me or other students tell them "the answer." What are some of the most helpful resources you have used? I am excited about learning from those who are using PBL on a regular basis!

Members (281)



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