PBL ~ Better with Practice


PBL ~ Better with Practice

A group of educators interested in fine-tuning classroom practice to get the very most out of project-based learning.

Members: 286
Latest Activity: Nov 28, 2017


Let's Meet at #PBLChat

Did you know PBL enthusiasts meet up through Twitter each Tuesday night for conversation about all things PBL? Use the hashtag #pblchat any time, but especially on Tuesday nights at 9:00 p.m. EST.

Welcome Members! If you are new to PBL~BwP please introduce yourself here in a new members thread.

Here are the links to our past PBL Better with Practice Webinars
Session 1 Creating a Culture of Inquiry
Recording (2:00: link 2, 5:00:link 3)
Slide deck with links
Session 2 ~ Keeping Your Project on the Rails
2:00 pst Recording - 5:00 pst Recording
Slide deck with links
Session 3 ~ It’s Not Over When It’s Over: The Project Spiral
2:00 pst Recording - 5:00 pst Recording
Slide deck with links

Discussions Continue in the Better with Practice Group
Please dig in, and feel free to start more discussions.
A big THANK YOU to Project Foundry for sponsoring this series!

Discussion Forum

PBL and Civics in Hawaii

Started by Brian Rock Nov 28, 2017. 0 Replies

Projects Going On In Our Classrooms

Started by Rachel Pickett. Last reply by Brian Rock Oct 9, 2017. 10 Replies

Welcome, New Members

Started by Suzie Boss. Last reply by Or-Tal Kiriati May 31, 2015. 48 Replies

use of PBL

Started by Aytakin Ahmadova Nov 16, 2013. 0 Replies

Jacobs Educator Award Program

Started by Matt Callison Jun 14, 2013. 0 Replies

Teaching Drama in 7th Grade ELA with PBL

Started by Amber hooks Sep 17, 2012. 0 Replies

Project Based U.S. History lesson

Started by Larry Blodgett. Last reply by Larry Blodgett Apr 19, 2012. 2 Replies

New Guide for Parents

Started by Suzie Boss Mar 21, 2012. 0 Replies

New PBL Assessment Guide

Started by Suzie Boss. Last reply by Margaret Young Sep 18, 2011. 4 Replies

Observing 9/11

Started by Suzie Boss. Last reply by Suzie Boss Sep 6, 2011. 4 Replies

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of PBL ~ Better with Practice to add comments!

Comment by Kylie Kay Nelson on February 24, 2010 at 2:33pm
Hi everyone. I am an secondary English teacher in Iowa. I am excited to learn more about project based learning. I recently revamped my AP Lang syllabus to include some minor projects, but am interested in learning more. I really want to get the kids involved and excited about what they are learning!
Comment by Neil Stephenson on February 19, 2010 at 9:14am
Sorry I was able to join the elluminate discussion yesterday - my schedule did not allow for it. I would definitely be interested in participating, or even leading a session in the future.
Comment by Sue Boudreau on February 18, 2010 at 10:00pm
Jane, we have developed several projects in our 7th grade science class rooms at Orinda Intermediate School (Take Action Project, Grow Food Project, the Sports Stars project, Light and Optics Project, Electricity and Magnetism toys project and more) over the last 10 years. Would love to participate in the development of the 4th March event "Keeping Your Project on the Rails". You can see what we are up to at www.takeactioncurriculum.org. Contact me via e mail sueboudreau2004@yahoo.com Looking forward to being part of this exciting group! Sue B
Comment by Jane Krauss on February 11, 2010 at 3:53pm
Oh Connie Thanks for that pic! Totally creeps me out but the last thing I ever did while teaching is show fear of things that crawl or slither. I think I can add picture functionality at the group level, right?
Comment by Connie Weber on February 9, 2010 at 2:21pm

This photo was taken when my class visited the local Creature Conservancy.
To get students started on a Problem-based learning project, we looked at some actual creatures and heard about what is going on with them. In this case, the problem is that Burmese Pythons are invading Florida--and that became one group's investigation. Another group investigated two-toed sloths and their problems with survival, another investigated the invasion of Cane Toads in Australia.

PBLs are fantastic for getting students TOTALLY involved in learning. A couple of times while students were working (for as long as two hours at a time) I've announced that it's recess, or time to go home, and get absolutely no reaction from them. All they want to do is just keep investigating. Now that says something, wouldn't you say? :-)
Comment by Connie Weber on February 9, 2010 at 1:39pm
Yahoo!!! So glad you started this group, fantastic idea... have been waiting to get a chance to participate. This is right exactly up my alley, what I've been working extensively on the last few years. I was too busy to jump right in because of being so immersed in making a presentation for Educating for Today and Tomorrow in DC on PBLs and digital learning. Now I'm free and ready to go, eager to learn with colleagues. It'll be an adventure--thank you so much, Jane and Susie!
Comment by Jane Krauss on February 9, 2010 at 11:38am
Welcome everyone! PBL~Better with Practice is eight days old and we have 32 hard-thinkin' folks in our group. Thanks for jumping into group discussions-- I'm tracking key ideas that will shape our webinar series agendas. Please look to *NEWS* above for details .Thanks, and please keep the comments coming. Below: A "classroom" in Katuba flickr cc-sa

Comment by John Faig on February 8, 2010 at 7:45pm
I am a Middle School technology coordinator and math teacher. I am a second career teacher and strongly believe in PBL and investigation to foster deep thought and engagement.
Comment by Heather Davis on February 7, 2010 at 2:13am
I am so glad that this group has been formed. I have been learning a lot about Project Based Learning but have still not found the courage to use it though I am a great believer in this format. Looking forward to talking to everyone and learning a lot.
Comment by Jane Krauss on February 1, 2010 at 9:56pm
EVERYBODY - I'm taking these comments into the discussion area. Everything you mention resonates and you're shaping the conversation already! Please continue to check in and participate.

Members (281)



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