Professional Development


Professional Development

This group is intended for people who provide technology PD to teachers. I think there are a lot of resources and ideas about best practice that we can share.

Members: 660
Latest Activity: Dec 3, 2018

Discussion Forum

Looking for Quick PD Activities

Started by Jenny Conklin. Last reply by Robert Cserti Dec 3, 2018. 5 Replies

The Best PD Is Active PD

Started by Brian Rock Nov 28, 2017. 0 Replies

Professional Development Tips

Started by Elizabeth Davis. Last reply by Brian Rock Oct 16, 2017. 12 Replies

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Comment by Keith Tompkins on April 29, 2012 at 9:40am

We have now branched out in response to educators needs and now offer free and open access to our Groups4Schools Community. All inclusive resources to work and learn in Groups, no need to look elsewhere for one off tools. Archived feeds, filing and all the resources you need to connect, create, share, communicate and collaborate in one place.

From one educator to others we hope you will drop by, join or create a group and take advantage of our community to work and learn virtually.

Visit Groups4Schools click on the Community, visit our portal splash page then send us an email for password access, again open, free and private groups.

Comment by Keith Tompkins on December 31, 2011 at 9:30am

We've all been looking for those all encompassing online virtual toolsets to connect students so they can create, edit, share, communicate and collaborate. We're working with a vendor in Boston who has a great toolset, free access but we built out a "private branded community" with them for our biotech high school students use. Working in groups on projects now allows us to connect all team members, all school projects and all schools with each other including their teachers, mentors and the organizers. Want to know more please contact me...see our front door access

Comment by Lee Anne Morris on October 25, 2011 at 1:31pm

I need advice, insight, suggestions - whatever you've got! I work for The Eighth Floor consortium and teach technology integration to area educators. We have a ning site.  We are trying to make our site a hub for the consortium and a place to go for information. We are having trouble getting any real momentum. Any ideas on how to jump start this with a little power?  

I know that sometimes nings are blocked at K-12 schools, so that is a challenge. How do we compete for a slice of the educator's time? I would love to see our members posting and sharing.

Thanks in advance for any ideas.
Lee Anne

Comment by Cyprian Dusabe on August 3, 2011 at 10:54am

Hi Everyone

How have you been? Kindly Donate any ammount and may be even with PayPal & I also wanted to send you a quick note to thank you for all the support that you have given St Mark  Institute Of Health Sciences  in the past! Your support has helped in buying medicine which has helped in treatment of thousands of children and we also wanted to tell you about an exciting new opportunity for St Mark  Institute Of Health Sciences !
We have been selected by the GlobalGiving Foundation to participate in its Open Challenge, a fundraising opportunity for nonprofit organizations working around the world.
In order to succeed in GlobalGiving’s Open Challenge, St Mark  Institute Of Health Sciences must raise $4,000 from 50 donors by 31st August 2011 threshold, we will be given a permanent spot on GlobalGiving’s website, where we have the potential to benefit from corporate relationships, exposure to a new donor network, and access to dozens of online fundraising tools. In addition, we could earn as much as $3,000 in financial prizes for raising the most money.
Please help us reach the threshold of $4,000 from 50 donors! Be one of the first people to make a donation at  Not only will your donation help in Building Childrens Hospital In Uganda but, it will help us take advantage of a long-term fundraising opportunity!
We’re also going to need your help spreading the word! Please share this opportunity with your friends and family!
Thank you, as always, for your continued support!
Cyprian G. Dusabe
Executive Director
St Mark  Institute Of Health Sciences
Comment by Ken Kuhn on May 24, 2011 at 5:33pm
I have just completed the Spring 2011 edition of the Western News Exchange Newsletter--24 pages of information on conferences, lesson ideas, feedback from the NBEA Convention in New Orleans and the WBEA Conference in Seattle.  Have a look at the newsletter and contact me with future articles, ideas, or comments.  Here is the link:  Enjoy!
Comment by Tracy Richardson on April 18, 2011 at 1:32am
Anone had experience with the XO laptops? I'd love to make connections!
Comment by Jennifer on October 19, 2010 at 7:19am
No I was jsut agreeing with you.
Comment by Bob Zenhausern on October 19, 2010 at 6:56am

Can you identify such schools. I do not know how much I can do, but I will make the effort if I knew where to start.
Comment by Jennifer on October 18, 2010 at 11:15pm
Yes there should. I think that there are people out in the world who over look our own childern in the US.
Comment by Bob Zenhausern on October 16, 2010 at 8:24am
I live in NY City so have a biased view of what is available in schools. Are there schools in the US which do not have computers? If so, this is clearly something that should be addressed and corporate sponsorship should be sought.

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