Hey. Since I got back late last eve from the first official Cleveland Ruby Users Group meeting, and since the Columbus group has had enough success to have their December meeting at a pub, sans projectors or code, I thought now was the time to create this group.

Anyone in education can certainly use a break in costs, and Ruby/Rails development can certainly offer that. Need a slicker front end for existing database? Rails may be your solution. Need to create a completely different online app? Ruby may help with that too.

Any successes to report? Let us know. Problems? If we can direct you to a good tech resource, we will.

Hopefully, we'll be posting some open source education solutions here.


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Yo. We work in rails to create apps.facebook.com/courses. after teaching for some years, i've just gotten into the swing of programming, so hopefully i'll be able to help with this web2.0 education transformation. keep in touch.



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