Hi all,
Is there any science teachers who have a year 7, 8 or 9 class who would like to collaborate on a project with our school in Hawkesdale, Australia? I have set up a wiki at
http://i-wonder-.wikispaces.com/ with questions that our Grade 3/4 class asked. Perhaps your students could research the answers and write a reply to our students?

Tags: Australia, collaboration, science, wikis

Views: 32

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Hi Britt,
I'm teaching year 9 Science in Warragul, Gippsland, Australia. We're combining the teaching of Science with picking up ICT skills - this sounds like a wonderful opportunity for us. Did you find anyone yet?
My kids are also keeping a science blog - an audience might help them to raise the standard of their work!
Hi Mary,
Thanks for your response. I also have a Year 9 science class - they have just finished filming their entries into the "sleek geeks" Eureka Prize video competition. I did originally hope to do the project with them, but we really need to complete the coursework for reports. Their blogs are linked to Technoscience (year 9 science on right hand side).
It would be great if you are interested in this project! The questions were asked by a primary school class in our school magazine.
Regards, Britt Gow.
Hi Mary,

If your students' blogs are public, I'd love to look at them. And, thanks Britt for your link. I am looking for student work in science that is shared with web 2.0 tools.




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