I teach a science teaching methods class in which we use a wiki to collect and share our work through each semester (and beyond). I hope that this use will inspire my students to try something similar eventually in their own classrooms. I am curious how you use Classroom 2.0 technologies in your science classes.


Tags: 2.0, Classroom, blogs, science, wikis

Views: 70

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Jay,
I'm not sure what CW 2.0 means, but if it means using blogs, wikis, video and emerging technologies in the classroom then there are numerous examples in science. Here are some good science teacher blogs that show their lesson plans and embed video, Powerpoints and links.



I haven't got to that stage yet, but I have used webquests and hope to produce short science experiment videos for teachertube this year.
Hi Brit,

I'm not sure what I what thinking when I wrote CW2.0, so I changed the title to clarify my question. Thanks for the links. Both of these are good examples.

Hi Jay,
I've just started using Slideshare and Voicethread now - both of which are engaging for students and can be used for collaborative and assessment purposes.


I also use voicethread and wikis. www.team8blue08.wikispaces.com. It is a great way to review labs and continue the discussion past the school day! The kids take pride in seeing the pictures they took and the videos they filmed on the wiki.



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