I need some help! I use lots of social media in my college courses. I use Ning sites to manage my courses instead of Blackboard. I have students create digital stories and upload them YouTube. I have students user blogger to post assignments, reflections, and Learning Logs. As such, all student work, discussions, peer feedback, my feedback are public (of course grades are not). I model for my students civil discourse. I keep my comments on student work constructive and positive. I feel that I am engaging my students in important digital literacies that promote ethical and responsible use of technology.
When I use social media with K-12 students I always get written parental permission. I use privacy settings. I do not post pictures of students but use avatars.
Some of my colleges are concerned that I may be breaching confidentiality and am engaging in unprofessional behavior by making my college students work public. Does anybody have guidelines about this?