Debbie Miller in her book Teaching with Intention states that classroom enviornments are most effective when they are literate and purposeful, organized and accessible, and most of all authenic. What does your classroom enviornment tell others about what you value, what you believe about teaching and learning? What would they learn about the students in your classroom? Do the children and you need a meeting place? Is therre an age limitation for a common meeting area Do the children and you need spaces for small group instruction? How will they be used? And how many do you need? Desks or tables? What kind of configuration will you put them in, for what purpose? What about books? Do you want them in one area, or scattered throughout the room? How will they be organized, categoriized, accessible. How and when do you make it authenic with student writings, thoughts, questions. Debbie poses these questions and many more. There is no right answer, but I do think it gets you thinking about your classroom enviornment and how it will enhance your students learning.