What have been the best sources for your professional development?  Regional language associations?  National language associations?  In-house workshops by colleagues?  Online courses?  Degree programs?  Conferences?

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I took an online course last year that propelled my learning about emerging technologies. It was called 23 things. I learned about Voicethread, blogs, wikis, and how to take advantage of so many free online applications. Also, it gave me a vocabulary to begin to feel confident in the super-competitive, and ever-changing online world.
I learned a great deal attending a conference hosted by our local chapter of AATSP. It was an immersion day where we got to speak in our target language with other teachers and discuss student learning in general.
Hola! I just returned from the Building Learning Communities conference in Boston, and I have rarely felt more energized, inspired and well-armed with new ideas. I highly recommend this conference, it happens every summer in Boston.
Hola! Thanks for the comment. I decided to get on their mailing list to familiarize myself with their offerings. Maybe I will attend next summer. Thanks again!
The Clear at MSU summer workshops are incredible. They have new topics each year.



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